Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through her instrument and child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, large flocks of angels were gathered around the Blessed Mother, again almost only in golden garments with golden wreaths. Around the baby Jesus there was a bright light that shone again and again. The angels came in during the Holy Sacrificial Feast and grouped themselves around the altar of sacrifice.

The Heavenly Mother will speak today: I, the Heavenly Mother, speak to you now in this moment, My beloved little flock, My children of Mary. I speak to you through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. She is in the Will of the Heavenly Father and fulfills His wishes which He reveals through her, His willing instrument.

My beloved children, when you entrust yourselves to My Immaculate Heart, you connect nature, your nature, completely with the supernature. It is a supernatural event, in which you then participate, because I, the heavenly Mother, am in the supernatural. I am there. Once I lived on earth like you, but as an Immaculate Receiver. You are afflicted with original sin and that is why I want to lead you through this gate of life to supernature. When you consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart, you have special shares of grace through Me. I am the mediator of all graces. Look again and again at the Immaculate Heart. It wants to give you the security on earth. More and more you are to surrender to the Divine Plan. I may form you and may love you especially as My children of Mary. I will gather you around me because you want to fulfill the will of the heavenly Father.

You too will be tempted, My beloved little flock. The evil one wants to penetrate into you. But he cannot do it. Why? Because I, your Heavenly Mother, have put My Throne there. The Holy Archangel Michael will be allowed to keep all evil from you again and again. He pays close attention to your ways.

Why, My beloved children, My believers, do you not see through what Protestantism you are in? You, my believers, are now called to leave these churches, - these Protestant churches. They are no longer Catholic churches, because the sacrificial banquet of My Son is not celebrated on these altars. It is a Protestant meal community and nothing more. You do not receive the bread of life of my Son, - Himself. Why? Because these priests do not have the possibility of transformation through My Son. The tabernacles are empty, because the Heavenly Father had to take His Son out because He was too much disfigured. Still He did not want to break the will of the people and at that time He let Himself be transformed by these unworthy priests.

Now the time has come that the Heavenly Father has revealed many things to you through the willing tool Anne. She has been chosen by the Heavenly Father to give His words, His messages, into the world, even to shout them out through the Internet.

The Heavenly Father: My beloved believers, you also hasten to these messages. They will be spread throughout the world, not because My willing instrument wills it, but because I, the Heavenly Father, desire it. My beloved Mother of God, who is speaking now, She pays attention to everything. She wants to encourage you to return to the true faith and not to remain in Protestantism. She calls you: "Hurry to My Immaculate Heart." And now, My dearest Mother, you go on speaking! The Heavenly Father has interrupted you because it is so important for the faithful.

The Heavenly Mother: Beloved children of Mary, pay attention to the steps of the Heavenly Father. He speaks to you. He desires something very serious from you. Go into your homes! Pray there fervently and unite yourselves with the Holy Sacrificial Feast, which is being celebrated here in this sacred space, in this house chapel, in a dignified manner - the Tridentine Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ. There is the truth, there is the way and there is the life. You all receive Holy Communion spiritually. And it is a worthy and valid sacrificial banquet that you celebrate. I also want to draw you out of the Protestant churches. Do you not recognize what is happening there? Is the dignified Holy Sacrificial Feast celebrated there, or do these popular altars still exist, where one turns one's back on My Son, where one cultivates Vatican II? Can it still be proclaimed that it is in the truth that the Church is increasingly falling into Protestantism and ecumenism and is being completely destroyed?

Why do you still believe in these shepherds who continue to lead you astray more deeply because they have seized their power and are not willing to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast and take My Son Jesus Christ into their midst and worship Him. Why are you blind, My believers? I, your dearest mother in the supernatural, want to awaken you, - wake you up, so that you may be led to Eternal Life, so that you may once be allowed to see the glory of God, which you are not taught in these churches. Why do you not believe the supernatural?

How many times has Heavenly Father spoken to you, - how many times, because you too can receive messages from this Internet through your grandchildren, through many acquaintances with whom you are in contact. If you wish, you too can experience the truth. But are you also ready to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father in its entirety and to do everything that He desires - not what you desire? You have to give up a lot. You must be able to make sacrifices. You must want to make atonement and participate in a Tridentine Sacrificial Feast, - at least have the desire. He will fill you when you pray, sacrifice and atone. Never will I leave you, your Heavenly Mother in the supernatural. I'm right here! I am coming down to you! I am with you and lead you and will direct you to My Son and finally to the Heavenly Father! How much have you missed so far?

Now the time has come, the time where My Son will soon come in great glory and I, the Heavenly Mother in the supernatural, will appear. You will see Me, &ndandash; on earth. Only now I still speak from the supernatural. With it you shall connect, so that your hearts may be strengthened. Can they be strengthened on the earth on which you live if you do not connect with heaven? No, on earth you experience the valley of tears and you can achieve nothing without heaven. There is holiness. There you are in the will of the heavenly Father, when you follow Him: His desires and His will.

Look at the baby Jesus this Christmas time! How lovely it looks at you! How poorly It came into the world and was ready to suffer for you, for all mankind, to redeem them. Therefore the child Jesus came to earth through the Immaculate, - through Me. How much joy it wants to bring you! Watch It! Graces flow from the Child Jesus in the manger, but especially through this Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son, in which you may participate daily. Everything is in holiness. It flows over to you. And these rays of grace shall go far out. In your hearts are these rays. You receive them and pour them out, - into the Internet. There I give the rays into it because they are to reach the world and save it from confusion and deception.

I love you, My beloved children, My children of Mary. Furthermore I am ready to lead My believers. I wait for them to be ready. If they consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart, they are already saved, because I have already assumed patronage for them.

My beloved children, My believers, now I want to bless you with the Divine Light, with the Divine Wisdom, Power and Love, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Your Heavenly Mother always thinks of you. She loves you and guides you and is always with you and concerned about you. Amen.


