Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve.

The Child Jesus in the manger speaks to us after Holy Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before the Holy Sacrificial Mass began, large crowds of angels moved into this Holy House Chapel. The Jesusine shone and was bathed in golden light. Little stars sparkled around the crib. The whole altar of the Virgin Mary also shone in golden light and the mantle and crown of the Blessed Mother were covered with diamonds. The Heavenly Father nodded at us in a friendly way and greeted us and then pointed to the Jesuit. St. Joseph picked up the baby Jesus and showed him to us. The lilies and roses were scented continuously during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The angel sounded the trumpet during the Sanctus. The angels knelt down around the manger in adoration.

For the first time the JESULAINE will speak: I, the dearest JESULAINE, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and child Anne. She is entirely in My will and speaks My words.

Beloved little flock, beloved chosen one, My children, today the dearest Jesus speaks to you because He wants to strengthen you and also caress you. You, My children, hurry to My manger. There a great blessing of grace awaits you, because the dearest Jesus wants to be born anew in your hearts.

Today is the Holy Night. On this Holy Night you have opened your hearts wide. I, the Jesulein, have entered with graces. There I have opened My manger in your hearts and cradled you like a little child.

Yes, My beloved ones, a difficult time of preparation for this Most Holy Night has preceded you. You have passed all tests, My beloved little ones. How happy your little Jesus is today. How does It stretch out Its arms and embrace you in Love, in Divine Love. It radiates, this love in you and around you. These rays today on this most holy night will be received by many who have turned on and turned on to this Holy Sacrificial Feast. They will tell you.

Beloved little children, you too should become as little as your Jesuitess, in childlike trust in the Heavenly Father. How much He loves you. He looks at you and knows that you are collecting these graces at the manger. Not only tonight, My children, daily these graces will flow abundantly. Love Me! Come and hasten to this manger, in which I became man for you, to redeem you, but also to love you more. How small I have made myself before you. This little Jesuit, when you look at her, love flows into your hearts, - Divine love.

Again and again I want to confirm that I love you - boundlessly. And this love will never end, my children, my beloved ones. Love also involves sacrifice. Victims are among them. But the gifts await you abundantly. They are gifts of love. They cannot be measured with worldly gifts.

This Holy Sacrificial Feast today in the Tridentine Rite, celebrated by My beloved priest son here in Göttingen, this Sacrificial Feast you have been allowed to celebrate with me on this Holy Night. It was something very special, because the angels' hosts were increased around you. Without ceasing their rejoicing, their joy and also their gratitude for you, my beloved ones. How happy the whole heaven is that He may speak again. He even bows to people.

I too, in the manger in Bethlehem in a stable, My beloved children, have bowed to mankind. I was born small and poor. My beloved mother and my beloved foster father Joseph were around Me. Even the shepherds worshiped Me. I had to endure cold and hardship, which a man could not endure, a small man who had just seen the light of day. But I have endured everything for you, - for you, out of exceedingly great love. This love will never end, My children. And therefore your love shall grow and mature. Even more than before I will pour these streams of grace of love into your hearts. They shall lead and guide you to the stable in Bethlehem, to the star of love, to the star of truth. I am the light, the truth and the life. Come and hurry to me and get this love of the little Jesus. It will always look at you with loving eyes, - with grateful eyes. How rich you will always be presented anew.

This time of Christmas is a great time of grace for you. Look also at the Little King of Love enthroned on your altar. He also wants to be loved. For the New Church that is being founded, He will be your guide. I, the Jesulein and the Little King of Love belong together. We became one in this Most Holy Night, - also one in the Trinity, - in the Trinity of God.

And now, My beloved ones, celebrate a little and let this love penetrate deeper. Celebrate this most holy of holidays, the feast of love, the birth of Jesus Christ. Dear little Jesus now blesses you in Divine Love and Divine Power and embraces you in your hearts. Blessed are you the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear Jesus, we love You and will always be there for You, because You have become everything for us. Thanks for everything you have already given us. Amen.

We all sing together the song of Heroldsbach, which the Blessed Mother taught the visionary children in text and melody: Dear Jesulein, I love you so much. I will praise and glorify you for all eternity. I thank You, O Jesuit, I close You into My heart, O my dear Jesuit. (3 x).


