Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
The Heavenly Father says: Before Me all knees will bow down on the earth, above the earth and under the earth.
Today I speak again through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She only speaks words that come from me. My beloved children, My little flock that is left, today I want to speak to you about Love, Divine Love, My Love, with which I want to delight you again and again in your hearts. Our Lady, My dearest Mother and your Mother will let these great streams of graces of love flow into your hearts. She is the mother of beautiful love and the fear of God.
My beloved children, yes, love is the greatest. If love is within you, you have everything. Man can do something out of duty or out of love. This love leads to the heart of Jesus. This love is the Divine love and it will delight your hearts and you will be full of gratitude.
My beloved ones, as you know, you are in the greatest struggle between good and evil. My beloved little one, have I not told you for a long time that you will endure the greatest sufferings for the new Church I am founding? I have always desired that My cardinals, bishops and priests should repent. They do not lie in the truth, but they are convinced that they proclaim the truth and pass on the truth. Yes, they are led by evil. You are on the right side. You are pleasing to Me and you give Me your obedience.
Yes, my little one, you are supported by your little flock. This suffering that you now bear is a suffering of atonement. You already knew it, only you didn't believe that it would be so difficult. You carry the cross on your shoulders, and you will not become so weak that you want to throw off that cross. No, I will teach you love. You will wear it out of love, because the following applies to all of you: If you carry out your daily work out of love and not out of duty, it is pleasing to me, the heavenly Father, and you show obedience to me. Then the greatest love is in your hearts. This love will not become less, no, it will become stronger. This is the Divine Love that flows within you.
I have said to you many times already: When your human strength decreases, the Divine Power will increase. And that is what is happening now. You are sad about it, because you think you do not feel the love of the Trinity. But we, the Trinity, are present in your hearts. Your dearest mama, the Blessed Mother, is with you. How many times has She placed the Holy Archangel Michael at your side, how many times has She called down your guardian angels, and how many times has She called down the cherubim and seraphim who were with you and strengthened you.
You need a very big trust now, because through this trust the love becomes bigger. This cannot happen in a moment, but it must grow and mature, my children. You will become stronger and never succumb to evil. The greatest trials have come upon you, especially upon you, My little one, but you have passed them.
Do not be sad that this suffering has no end yet. It is an atonement. You bring it to Me for the many priests whom I love so much that they want to repent, so that they do not continue this aberration because they know, My children, what they are doing. You can explain it to yourself. But the path of conversion is so difficult because it places great demands on them. A change must be made in the Sacred Liturgy, in the chief shepherds and priests.
Also My Holy Father, whom I have called, must change many things, as I have already said and proclaim ex cathedra. Then the church will no longer go so deeply downhill. Then there will be a shine of light, because I am the light, - I am the way, the truth and the life. Whoever believes in me has eternal life. And whoever receives Me in Holy Communion receives the bread of heaven, which leads him to heaven. This manna, this heavenly bread, which is transformed in My Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass, is transformed into My Holy Body and into My Holy Blood. You receive My body and blood, My beloved, My children, My chosen ones. You may receive this strengthening again and again, since you participate in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice every day. What a great gift it is for you to be able to experience this and to know that I am present in the Holy Eucharist! It is I who strengthen you, the Son of God, Jesus Christ in the Trinity!
I, the Heavenly Father, will teach you everything that contains the truth. I will not let you go ways on which you could stray. No, it goes on and on the straight path, the path to the goal, to the eternal goal. You have suffered much and many things have yet to be overcome in your hearts. Believe that it is I who dwells in your hearts in the Trinity. One cannot understand this because one does not have Divine Wisdom. If one separates oneself by a grave sin, this Divine Wisdom cannot penetrate. But you, my children, are in truth. You have repeatedly received this Holy Sacrament of Penance. You could repent and thus have the sanctifying grace within you. This sanctifying grace causes you to have wisdom and knowledge. You can distinguish good from evil.
Your Heavenly Mother will guide you and care for you. She may shape you. She, as Heavenly Mother and Mother of the Church, has this mission especially for you My beloved ones, My beloved little flock. The angels are around you. They surround you with love. They look at you and accompany you. Calls them quite often. They are waiting for it.
Your dearest mother will always be concerned about you. Even if the way becomes stony, she will not leave you. On the contrary, she will walk with you the way of the cross until you embrace the cross. For the cross means salvation, - the salvation of the world. You will learn to embrace this cross in love.
There is still a long way to go. Don't give up, my little one! Give my little one the support she needs from you, my beloved ones, because as you know, she has a great task to accomplish, which I, the Heavenly Father, have assigned to her from eternity.
My little one, have I not in love placed your spiritual guide by your side to support you and continue to encourage you on this path? Have I not put your Katharina by your side? Have I not also placed your Dorothea and your Marianne by your side? Aren't they also there to support you? You will not be alone! You will definitely make it! Steadily you will go on and you will accompany them, My little one. Always courageously go forward and do not stop! Rest, but then get up again and walk on.
This is your way, the way of love and this is what I have revealed to you today. Love is not only the fulfillment of duty, but love contains more: to do everything out of love, not only to think of oneself, to sacrifice and atone for others, so that they, too, may receive the knowledge, the truth, the whole truth, and also to announce it.
Yes, My beloved ones, today is Friday, the day on which the Son of God, sent by the Father, carried this suffering of the cross. One Friday was the hour of His death. On this Friday I also want you to embrace this suffering, to bear this suffering and not to give up. See how His cross weighed heavily on His shoulders for the sins of the whole world. He has borne this guilt and has redeemed you all.
Also My Mother, your Heavenly Mother, whom He has given you under the Cross, has walked this path bravely and courageously with Him. She has not given up either. And now she wishes from you that you also do not give up, that you go on, because you are under the protection of the whole heaven. How often did you get the scents. The scents are from heaven. You can distinguish them from the worldly scents. Aren't these also gifts? You may daily experience this Holy Sacrificial Feast, receive Communion, union with My Son Jesus Christ, receive Him that He may be united with you, and that this Heavenly Bread may serve to strengthen you on your way. It is love - boundless love, which My Son gives you again and again. Love and suffering, my children, belong together because the cross means suffering, but without this suffering and without this cross there will be no salvation in your souls, because only through the cross salvation will be granted to you. Many cannot understand that they should carry a cross, but if you carry this cross out of love, the way becomes easier for you.
You will experience this love again and again, My children. Love will not stop. It does not end. It is infinite and it is immeasurably large. See if a suffering is like mine? Also place yourselves under this cross with my mother, under this cross of truth, then you too will be able to go on. Then you too will be able to say yes to suffering and the cross.
You are on the right path, My children! Do not despair! It is the way of truth. He who goes through this narrow gate, through the gate of truth, will reach the goal. The other gate is the wide gate. Through this gate go many, but not you, My children. You shall pass through this narrow gate. This includes the cross and suffering. It is a steep path to the Calvary, finally to the destination, the mountain Golgotha. It is not yet time, My children.
Remain in love and live love, for love is the greatest! I will bless you today with the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, also with your dearest Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, Saint Joseph, Saint Padre Pio, the Holy Curé of Ars and the other Saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love is the greatest thing and it will outlast everything! Amen.