Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Feast of the Name of Mary.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His child and tool Anne in the Rosenkranzkirche in Heroldsbach at midnight on the night of atonement.


The monstrance is bathed in golden light and the angels kneel and adore the Blessed Sacrament. They have golden wings and golden wreaths on their heads. The dresses are white and have sparkling diamonds.

The Heavenly Father now says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, on the feast of My Mother's name, through My willing, obedient and humble child and instrument Anne. She fulfils My will and speaks only My words. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved little flock, be greeted, you who have hastened today to this place of grace of My Mother. I thank you that you have made every effort to pour out the graces you have received on all the pilgrims here.

Do not be sad that you have been separated from so many people. It is my will, and it is necessary for you, otherwise you could not go this arduous way until the end. You will be protected by your Heavenly Mother and the angels she asks for.

Rejoice every day that you may share in the suffering of My Son on the cross. All those who have decided to continue on this path in the succession of My Son will be given special strengths. Not with your powers, My beloved children, you can continue on this path, but only with the Divine Power.

Stand to the full truth and testify that you confess your faith. After each of your failures you will become stronger and stronger. Your love grows and you become more mature without being able to recognize it yourself. You are loved with eternal love and this love penetrates deep into your hearts.

You, My beloved ones, are in the greatest struggle and test. You are to pass these tests, because many streams of grace are flooding you. How often do you stand in bright light. You are still in the circle of light. The evil one cannot reach you, although you are the most persecuted. With how much love your dearest mommy cares for your souls. You are on the path of holiness, and your path is guided by Providence. How much joy it gives you when you feel that heaven is guiding you.

You are the chosen ones and have often proved it, that you want to continue on this way of the cross. If you knew with how much love your Heavenly Father looks into your face and how much joy you give Him. This joy returns to your hearts. Let your souls be filled and remain the willing instruments of your Father.

The time of the coming of My Son Jesus Christ with the Heavenly Mother, as Mother of Victory, is progressing. Those who have chosen this path receive full protection. Rejoice every day in the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son, the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass, which you celebrate daily. It is the greatest gift from heaven. Immense graces flow over you, which you then pass on. You often experience this joy through the heavenly scents. Accept these gifts with gratitude.

You, My chosen ones, do not worry about how things will continue in this greatest apostasy and the greatest crisis of this Church. This cleaning is necessary and often painful for you. Accept this suffering and look to your Heavenly Mother. She has never complained about these disobedient cardinals, bishops and priests. She is in constant prayer for all and begs at my throne for her repentance.

With her grace and beauty she carries all your petitions before My throne, and I cannot resist her. She is full of grace. Turn to her in your suffering. It is she who will always understand you. It consumes itself in love and longs to lead the souls to me.

Be brave and vigilant, for Satan's cunning is mighty! Persevere! Now I bless you, My beloved children, today in triple power with your dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! Be ready to give your life for this love and practice this total surrender!


