Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The Mother of God speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Göttingen through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, especially large crowds of angels were with the Blessed Mother. They have surrounded you. Her dress and coat were snow white and the rosary was light blue. The crown was brightly illuminated, as were St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Padre Pio. It is worth mentioning that today the Holy Trinity was visible above the tabernacle during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Mother of God will speak: I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Mother of God, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne She lies in the will of the Heavenly Father. She is the instrument of the Trinity of God.

My beloved chosen ones, My beloved little band, My beloved children of Mary, today, on this Feast of My Immaculate Heart, you have come and participated in this sacred sacrificial banquet of My Son.

Yes, My beloved little flock, it is a great feast what you have celebrated today. The modernist church has set this festival aside. It no longer exists on that day. However, this day is the selected day. It remains and is and is celebrated only on this day. By this you recognize the modernist church, which destroys everything, which presents the truth as untruth. It distorts the truth.

My beloved children, over you I may pour out and pour out the full protection, since you have so far followed all the steps in the will of the Heavenly Father. You lie in obedience.

Unfortunately my daughter Sieglinde is in disobedience. She does not follow the steps of My beloved Father, the Heavenly Father. It has not revoked its untruth, which it has publicly proclaimed, on the Internet, nor is it willing to fulfill this will of the Heavenly Father. She has listened to the words of the people, the believers. am I for you, My beloved daughter, worth no more than your pilgrims? Does not the Heavenly Father speak to you? Don't you have divine visions? Do you want to risk everything? The heavenly Father prophesied to you that He will take everything from you if you do not obey Him alone.

Unfortunately, you also brought my son Hans Peter into this misfortune. It is like a wavering pipe. One time he wants to give his life for these messages of the Heavenly Father and the other time he obeys the untruth that the visionary Sieglinde proclaims. You lie with it also in untruth, My beloved son Hans Peter. How can you feel comfortable in this prayer group? How can you believe the visionary Sieglinde this? If it does not obey the words of the Heavenly Father and is in disobedience, it is not in the full truth. In its rooms a modernist meal fellowship takes place, which is held by several modernist priests. It thus also obeys the masonic powers.

How often have I told you, My daughter Sieglinde, that only the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son is important and lies in the truth. You have not proclaimed this truth to these priests. You have listened to your pilgrims. They wanted to experience the modernist meal community with you. In addition, they did not want to believe that My Son had to go out of these tabernacles at the request of the Heavenly Father because too many sacrileges were committed at these grinding tables. Neither are your priests, beloved daughter, in the truth, and neither are you. You allow the meal fellowship to be celebrated in your rooms. If one does not wish to celebrate the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast in its entirety, one is in the will of the bishops, but not in the will of the Heavenly Father.

You, My beloved daughter, cannot say that you have ever believed in the messages. Though you let them proclaim it, you did not believe in this truth, the truth of your Heavenly Father. You believed in the words that sounded sweet and good. Your priests also believe in mammon. They see the financial aspect first because they accept the donations. Do you not know that if you want to remain in grace as a priest, you cannot accept donations.

Look at My beloved priestly Son who lies in the truth, in the truth of the Heavenly Father, has he ever lived on donations? Did he not do everything in the will of the Heavenly Father in Wigratzbad? Has he ever accepted donations for this Tridentine Sacrificial Feast, which he celebrated for several years in the crypt in Wigratzbad? Did he ever accept money from this priest's son Thomas? No. He did everything for the glory of God and never for money.

Therein lies Mammon, My daughter Sieglinde. Didn't you see through it? Could you not confront these priests that they were not allowed to celebrate this meal fellowship in your rooms? Couldn't you be consistent? You have dragged this son Hans Peter into this evil, into this untruth. Why did you not put a stop to the evil? Why did you not believe in the truth of the Heavenly Father? Why did you twist the truth and still say that the Heavenly Father told you this?

You took it back in your group that it was the untruth that you had brought out against the messenger Anne. It is not enough. Didn't the Heavenly Father order you to take it back on the Internet? Why did you twist the truth? Have you not realized that when the lie is in play, the wicked man directs you and you put the Heavenly Father at your side? Has My Son not given you everything, - you as a visionary? Is not in your rooms still the fragrant Jesus, My son? Do you want to risk everything? For years you have received gifts from My Heavenly Son, the Son of God. And now the untruth, the evil one, has come into your rooms. Correct everything as the Heavenly Father has willed it of you. Otherwise you will lose everything. You will have no more visions. No objections and also no fragrant Jesus.

beloved daughter Sieglinde, are you not also My child of Mary, for whom I am fighting today on this Day of My Feast - the Feast of My Immaculate Heart? Have you not also venerated this Immaculate Heart, the United Heart of Jesus and Mary? What have you done, my daughter? How grave this sin weighs. I ask the Heavenly Father that He may forgive you and that you have the power to rectify everything as it is in the will of the Heavenly Father, your Heavenly Father.

And now I want to bless you all on this day in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Believe in the Trinity! Believe in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and come under My cloak that protects you! Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart, then you will be safe from all evil! Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


