Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Feast of the Mother of God, Assumption of Mary in Heaven.

Our Lady speaks through her child Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today the altar of Mary was not only brightly lit, but flowers were strewn by small and larger angels. The Blessed Mother stood on a cloud. She was slowly lifted by the cloud and continued in a bright golden circle of light. The angels floated around them. They were also grouped around the tabernacle during the Sanctus of the Holy Mass of Sacrifice and only went out after the Holy Mass.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest Mother of God, will speak today through my willing, obedient and humble child and instrument Anne. She lies in the truth of the Heavenly Father and completely fulfills His plan and repeats His and My words. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved children of Mary, My chosen ones, today, on My great feast day, My Ascension Day, I want to greet you and thank you for giving Me this honor and participating in the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son and praying and atoning. Especially you, my little one, have this great suffering of atonement today.

My beloved ones, yes, I have shed many tears on earth, after the Ascension of My Son. My longing was so great that I would have liked to ascend to heaven with My Son, but He had to leave Me alone because it was the Father's will. I had to be able to live on earth without my Son. That was unspeakably difficult for me. My Son comforted Me daily by coming to Me once a day. Otherwise I could hardly have endured not being allowed to experience this closeness of my Son any longer.

Then I went up into the sky. I was lifted up to heaven. And this feast you celebrate today, - My great feast. The Heavenly Father already held the crown in his hand and crowned Me. I was grateful that I was finally allowed to leave this valley of earth. That is why, My children, from heaven today also, I may scatter flowers over you, flowers of grace, flowers of grace. Today I am allowed to increase your virtues, because today special graces have flowed into you, which I was allowed to pour out on you into your hearts.

Be thankful, My beloved children, because this time of My Son's event is approaching and drawing nearer and nearer. Only you, My children, are protected, who walk this path in its entirety with My beloved Son in His succession. Only these have the full protection. Believe Me, My beloved ones, many have received these messages, - many. But they have not followed My Son. They had many excuses not to fulfill His wish.

It is especially painful for Me as Mother of Priests to have to witness this, that these chief shepherds to this day cause My Son the greatest pain and nail Him to the cross again, mock Him again and do not even want to obey the Holy Father. How much bitterness is in My Son's heart about these chief shepherds, about this His lost Church.

The Heavenly Father says: How much suffering I must experience as Heavenly Father, who only in these Holy Masses of Sacrifice daily sacrifices my Son on these altars of sacrifice. How many people continue to go into these modernist churches. Who is there in the tabernacles? I had to take My Son outside, My beloved ones, because this mockery and derision poured out on Him, this mockery, these many sacrileges of the priests, I could no longer bear. For this reason I could no longer leave My Son in these tabernacles. No one should worship Him in these modernist churches, at these grinding tables, at these popular altars with the priests, which are afflicted with many sacrileges. They do not expiate and they do not go back the way they came. They repent nothing. They commit these sacrileges and they continue to mock My Son.

Also these believers, who have heard My messages, who have held them in their hands, they too are meant. They too continue to mock My Son. For who is present in these tabernacles when My Son is no longer present in these tabernacles? Who is there, My beloved ones? Only the devil can be present there. And all those who continue to go into and enter these modernist churches are confronted with evil. I do not wish you to have any longer contact with these people, so that the evil cannot pass over to you. Although you are protected, I do not wish you to have contact with these people. Separate yourselves from them. They hinder you on your path to holiness.

Our Lady continues to say: My beloved ones, today, on this great feast day, on My feast day, you will obtain liberation. Only through sacrifice and atonement is this possible, because this person is not willing to do the will of My Heavenly Father and confess his heavy burden of sin. You, My little one, atone for this person through your atoning suffering today and do not be sad if the Heavenly Father allows this today on My great feast day. Thank Him for this suffering, because you yourself may participate in the suffering of the Redeemer.

I love you all and want to bless, protect, love and send you out as your Heavenly Mother, your grateful Mother. In the Trinity I bless you with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in love and become courageous and strong to renounce all evil. Amen.

Mary with the Child love us all and give us your blessing. Amen.


