Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Lady speaks after the liberation from evil through her child and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels worshipped the Blessed Sacrament on their knees. The cross was brightly illuminated several times during the exorcisms. The whole room was also bathed in bright light. The Blessed Mother stood under the cross. She has asked the Heavenly Father to make this exorcism effective after all. She appeared as the Schoenstatt Mother of God and at the same time as Fatima Madonna. She wore a white dress with golden stars and a golden belt. Her coat and the rosary were light blue. She wore an open crown with small diamonds and dark red rubies. Saint Padre Pio and Father Kentenich were also present. St. Joseph stood next to the Blessed Mother.

"Peace has come into this house today", says Jesus Christ.

We thank for this great grace, dearest Blessed Mother. We thank you for asking everything of us, for being present in this house, for putting the children under your protection and for promising us to work in this house, that you will continue to protect these people, that you will never leave them alone, that you will let the love of God flow into their hearts and never leave their side. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love, for the Divine love that you let flow into the hearts. Thank you!

Now the Blessed Mother herself will speak: I, your dearest mother, speak at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is Mine and she will hear only the words that come from heaven. Nothing is out of her, for she has already transferred her will to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

Beloved children, beloved chosen ones, how much I want to thank you for having followed heaven, for making it possible for us to enter your house. Of course, it is not self-evident that the heavens will be revealed in your home. It is a great grace that I have asked for you. All guardian angels, all saints I have asked down to be with you. How many more gifts will you be able to expect when you follow the will of the Heavenly Father. Listen to the messages! They are not from My daughter Anne. It is only a tool and will continue to transmit these messages.

As you know, this is the last time, the last time of My coming and this is close at hand. I, as Heavenly Mother, may protect you in the time that is to come. You cannot prevent it, My children. Until now My Son has lifted up the arm of the Heavenly Father so that He would not pour out this wrath on mankind. What serious sins does mankind commit. How much she despises My Son, Jesus Christ. How much the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is disregarded and put aside.

How much I love My Son, and I had to watch Him going out of these tabernacles of the modernist churches at the request of the Heavenly Father, He, the Son of God. As you know, these Holy Masses of Sacrifice, the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son, are not celebrated there. Who do they turn to? The people. At which altar do they hold the sacrificial meal of My Son? At the popular altars. Who do they serve? The people.

You, My children, have the grace to recognize this. Do not only hear these words, but follow them in their entirety, i.e. that you take the messages seriously, that you continue to take them into your heart and follow them immediately. My Son asks and I, as your Heavenly Mother, am in the greatest need for these people and for you. I have prayed that I might be allowed to enter this house, that My Son was desired here, that heaven might enter here.

I, the Heavenly Mother, will be allowed to crush the head of the serpent with you when I take you under My cloak, when you obey these messages, when you obey the Heavenly Father. He is the authority. He is the highest authority, the ruler of the whole world, of all powers and authorities. You shall follow him. He will found the New Church in His Son. You cannot imagine it and you will not fathom it. It is through this priest's son that the New Church is founded, because he followed these messages in their entirety. You cannot understand that either. Do not ask questions, but follow the words of the Heavenly Father.

All the time I am with you, your Heavenly Mother, who never leaves you, who will ask all the guardian angels to be with you in the time that must come. The Heavenly Father will not like to long for this moment to come, to have to let this event come. People will run through the streets screaming. Fire will fall to the earth. It will not be easy for all of you. But believe that you are under My protection when you follow the messages, the messages of the Heavenly Father, who will not tell you the hour and the day. None of you will receive this message when this event occurs.

The heavenly Father says: I, the heavenly Father alone, will determine this hour. You too, my little one, will not receive this message. The archangel Gabriel will be allowed to give you a few signs a short time before and you will then know that heaven will come to earth.

Do not be afraid! Fear nothing! Have the fear of God and not the fear of man! People can err and they will lead you astray if you follow modernism, modernism, I said, not the Tridentine Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which is in the will of the Heavenly Father. Only He desires this Holy Sacrificial Feast, in which My Son, Jesus Christ, lets Himself be crucified again, because it is the sacrificial walk of My Son. There the sacrifice of the cross is renewed. In this sons of priests who celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence, in these hands My Son lets Himself be transformed, in the other sons of priests who do not follow this, He will not be able to be transformed because they are in untruth, because they want to work themselves and because they do not obey.

Pray much for your Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, the Holy Father, who is in dire need and who is there for all mankind, who wants to protect you and who is surrounded by a great multitude of Masonic powers. Pray for him vicariously, that he may remain in the truth and announce the truth to men, even if it costs his life.

You, My children, are not afraid to lay down your lives for My Son Jesus Christ. You will be ridiculed, you will be hostile. But do not be afraid. Your Heavenly Mother will protect you. She will be with you in the worst persecutions. You, My little one, will have to experience much suffering to suffer for the sacrileges of the priests. You have the mission of the Holy Eucharist and the mission of priests. And you will be able to fulfill them completely. Sickness will surround you, but complain only to the Heavenly Father. You will not be understood. People will not want to understand you. You will be despised and abandonment will surround you. But take care that the Heavenly Father strengthens you. Your Heavenly Mother will be with you. She will not leave you. Pay close attention to the instructions of your spiritual guide and do not slacken in the sacrificial walk.

My beloved ones, My Heavenly Mother will now bless, protect, love and send you out in the Trinity of God, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Love is the greatest and love will win the victory. Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever. Amen. Praised and glorified be Jesus Christ without end in the Blessed Sacrament. Amen.


