Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Holy Saturday.

Jesus Christ speaks as the Risen One in His omnipotence after the Easter Vigil in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child and tool Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. First of all, I would like to say that during this Holy Mass of Sacrifice on the Holy Easter Vigil, angels floated in droves into this sacred space. The Blessed Mother was also present. She worshipped her resurrected Jesus.

Jesus speaks: I, Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord in the Trinity, born of the Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble child and instrument Anne. My beloved chosen ones, My little flock. By the little flock I do not only mean you, My beloved ones here in this sacred space, but also those who believe in My resurrection. I, Jesus Christ, am truly risen! Hallelujah!

You, My little one, have seen Me in ecstasy. Like lightning I appeared to you with a radiant white robe - white as snow. You would have fallen down dead if I had not saved you from this great light, because you would not have borne this brightness. The sky is present. This does not mean that you have already entered into God's glory. You are only allowed to watch a small part at a time.

Now I want to thank you first of all in this holy Easter Vigil for the many sacrifices you have made during Lent. Thanks - My beloved little flock. I also want to thank you that nothing became too much for you, that you were always ready to make new sacrifices. That means My election. I am truly risen and am among you, I, Jesus Christ!

What great love, what radiant light streams into your hearts. (Anne: Yes, it is a huge ray which I see coming out of His side wound from the cross at this moment). With My precious blood, My beloved flock, you are blessed and protected. This Holy Eucharistic Celebration will bring you salvation, especially today in this Easter Vigil. What an important and great event happens in the Easter Vigil.

I am risen indeed! Again and again I want to emphasize it. How few men still believe in my resurrection today. How many people have turned away, completely turned away from me. I also want to say again that I have to found My Holy Church anew. Yes, it is required. My little ones and chosen ones, you understand this. But my chief shepherds, to whom I have repeatedly given great opportunities, have not recognized that I, Jesus Christ, have come to them in the heavenly Father. I admonished them.

Believe in the resurrection, believe in Me, in Jesus Christ, in the Trinity, then you will be allowed to experience salvation! Your souls will be washed in water and precious blood. How many joys you may experience again and again in this holy sacrificial meal.

Why, My chief shepherds, do you still not believe in this Holy Sacrificial Feast to be celebrated throughout the Tridentine Rite? Only this can be My Holy Sacrificial Feast! My blood flows there! There I am present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar!

You, My little flock, My chosen ones, have received Me. I have entered into your heart. What a great grace you have received again today! Your hearts were flooded with bright light. By what light? From the Easter light, from the holy Easter candle. She was inflamed. In your hearts it became very bright at that moment when it was lit.

Nothing can happen to you, My children, if you transmit this radiant light through your hearts and in your hearts. This light will become brighter. You will not feel it, but through the streams of grace of the daily Holy Mass of Sacrifice this light will become brighter and brighter. I, Jesus Christ, will strengthen you anew. You will never slacken in my strength. But in your strength you become weaker.

You, my little one, have had to feel it quite often that your power resembled powerlessness. But I, Jesus Christ, came into your heart and strengthened you with My Heavenly Mother and your Heavenly Mother. She has born Me, the Son of God. Do you believe, My children, that I can get along without My Mother for only a moment? No, she is always with me. And so I give it to you again and again anew, as I have given it to you under the cross. She loves you like a Heavenly Mother, not like a mother on earth, much, much more and further. She is the love. Divine blood flows into her, since she has born Me, the Son of God, begotten by the Holy Spirit.

Draw from this grace, My beloved ones! In this Easter time, which will continue to come to you now, you will be strengthened anew. Your love flames will become stronger. They are ignited and radiate. Many people who meet you will feel it, because the love of God floods everything. I, Jesus Christ, am truly risen! Rejoice!

On this banner, which My angels pulled behind them, was written: "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus, Deus Sábaoth. Pleni sunt caeli et terra glória tua. Hosánna in excélsis. Benedictus, qui venit in nómine Dómini. Hosánna in excélsis." It should also apply to you that you sing again and again in your hearts: Holy, holy, holy is the God of hosts. Heaven and earth are filled with His power and strength. The omnipotence of God is there: Today, tomorrow, always and forever!

Love one another, then your hearts will be inflamed again and again, and these flames of love will be passed on to other people who need this love and who are receptive to the graces. For as you know, beloved children, I died for all, but many have not accepted my graces. Pray for them, for you are there to save people. You are sent. Let your light shine, which was kindled in your hearts today! You, My little one, have seen how the Easter candle suddenly shone in the dark red light. Yes, it was My precious blood.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to bless you. I want to love you in the greatest Divine Love and send you out in this Easter Vigil. The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen. Your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, also blesses you: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With her many angels and saints have blessed you. Stay in this blessing and become strong, courageous and powerful, because I love you. Your dearest Jesus in the Trinity loves you boundlessly. Love is the greatest! Live love and you will become strong! You will be strengthened with Divine Power, because you will lose your power more and more!

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar! Amen. Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen. Hallelujah!


