Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, November 8, 2008


The Heavenly Father speaks after the Cenacle in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child Anne.


Today the chapel was full of angels. The chapel was brightly lit and there was a glitter and sparkle everywhere. Our Lady was richly decorated with roses in red, pink, yellow and white. She was allowed to sprinkle these roses over us because the Cenacle took place today.

"She is the Mother of the Church, My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which I will refound," says the Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father says: Now the Heavenly Father speaks to you in supreme authority through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. My beloved and chosen children, today, for this Cenacle, not only have I called you, but you are called for this feast day. Yes, it is a feast day of My Heavenly Mother on the Heart of Mary Expiation Saturday, November 8.

This Cenacle is so celebrated all over the world according to the "Blue Book" of the founder Don Gobbi. As you have heard in the Fraternita, My time has come. My times are here. I have prepared you, My beloved ones, to proceed in small steps, just as the Heavenly Father has told you in all goodness, gentleness and tenderness. Your hearts have been inflamed by Love, not only by Me in the Trinity, but also in the Love of the Heavenly Mother, the Queen of the Rosary of Gestratz. Of this queen I would like to speak today.

You, My beloved nine chosen children, you, My beloved son of the priest, have here celebrated My Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence in your house chapel in Göttingen. It has been built according to My plans and My wishes. Every piece you have needed here for the celebration of the Holy Mass of Sacrifice has been conceived by Me, including the robe of Mary, the matching lace at the altar and the top of the altar of Mary. Everything was ordered for this feast day and installed by you. Thank you for your efforts to follow Me in these steps. I, the Heavenly Father, wish that you always be under My protection and under the protection of your Heavenly Mother. She accompanies you on all your ways.

This house chapel in Gestratz in Allgäu, which was approved by the extended family P., was also conceived by Mir. Many people have rushed there in the last three weeks and have received the fullness of graces. Many streams of grace have flowed. These streams of grace were scattered far and wide, not only in Gestratz, but also to My sacred place Wigratzbad.

This place of prayer is also desired by me. At the moment satanic powers are at work there. This site is now being pursued to the highest degree. This is why I have called you to hasten to My House Chapel in Gestratz and from there to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast in complete reverence with My chosen priestly son, consecrated by Me.

You cannot believe what happened there in the three weeks that My beloved priest son was allowed to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast daily according to My plan. Besides, you, My little one, commented daily on the ecstasies or proclaimed My messages which were then put on the Internet. They are earth-shattering. People have come to Gestratz from many places, from far away. Yes, there they would have rushed more and more, since they were called and called by me.

My beloved daughter L., you I address today. I mean it very well with you. You know that you are loved by your Heavenly Father. You have accomplished a lot in your life. You have taken on a lot of work, a lot of trouble with your 12 children. Now the time has come for you to rest, but you are so used to practicing hospitality whenever people came. I do not wish when My Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated and I Myself am received as the food of life, as the Holy Manna, the Heavenly Bread, this is subsequently combined with the bodily food.

For this reason I wish from you, My beloved children there, who want to walk the path in all holiness in My steps, that you should receive only My Holy Manna and not to offer afterwards the bodily food that L. believes. This is not My Way. Keep to it, not because I punish you, but because I want to protect you in the full truth. Only he who in my truth celebrates my Holy Sacrificial Feast with me has received the spiritual food of heaven. Then I am with you all days until the end of the world. Only then, My children, can I be with you.

For in every meal fellowship of Protestantism that has broken into My Church, My Son, Jesus Christ, is no longer present. There he can no longer be transformed in the unholy, sacrilegious hands of these priests. All is Providence, My children, never punishment of the Heavenly Father. Never will I punish, because my justice is paired with love and mercy. Believe in it!

I want to protect you in full measure, that's why you are every day here in this house chapel in Göttingen with the Rosary at 9.30 a.m. and with My Holy Sacrificial Mass at 10.00 a.m. completely connected with Gestratz. Until the complete restoration of My daughter L., remains in this sacred house chapel in Göttingen.

Again and again My Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated there in a spiritual way, united with My beloved priestly son. This is such an earth-shattering truth, which the heavenly father makes known to you, that no one can grasp it, no one, not even you, my little one. You are full of mistakes and weaknesses. I have often humiliated you and will continue to do so so that you may continue on this path of holiness and My preaching.

As you all know, I have been using the technology of the Internet for a long time to shout out My truths to the world. Almost 70,000 people have been interested in hearing My Truths so far. Do you believe that this is not Providence, My Providence? Could you achieve this yourself through your effort and work? You will be able to continue to do this, put My beloved Catherine and everything on the Internet, not with your power as you know, but with My power.

You, My beloved children there in Gestratz and here in Göttingen, I love you all boundlessly. You who do my will and follow my steps will be transformed into firm personalities who can lead and guide others through their conviction, through their transmission and through the passing on of the streams of grace that will flow in Göttingen and in Gestratz.

Today I have enlightened you, My beloved children and chosen ones, through the Fraternita in this Cenacle, so that you may know that this Cenacle is linked to My Providence. The same words that are written in this "Blue Book" are the words of My Mother and also My words. It was providential that you heard them today.

Believe more firmly! Trust deeper! You lose physical strength and gain mental strength. The Divine Power is at work within you. You can continue to say My words and transmit My streams of grace, which I will pour out daily, and let them flow further into people who meet you, which you will not even feel, because it is pure holiness that surrounds you.

Don't be sad that you should be back in your home town now. Here you are in demand. Here you must stay, because I, the Heavenly Father, desire it. Here I will guide and guide you further. Follows everything exactly. Ask if you are not sure and pray unceasingly the Rosary that My beloved Queen of Rosaries of Gestratz showed you. He is the ladder to heaven for you in this time and will remain so. It will raise you higher and introduce you to my truth and your trust will grow. Around you the light will shine, because you yourselves become light. You will be the salt of the earth, the light of the world and the source of the thirsty. Yes, this is how I will lead you. Then, My children, you will be ready for My action.

My Son in the Trinity with His Heavenly Mother will come in great power and glory. All that is unholy will be destroyed. A great storm will arise, yes, fire will fall from heaven and thunder will roar. This is My happening.

Persevere, become courageous and strong and believe more deeply, for you will understand nothing more! I love you and guide you on the path of holiness. And now I bless you in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory in Wigratzbad, the Queen of the Rosary of Heroldsbach and the Queen of the Rosary of Gestratz, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. You will be loved from eternity. Remain in love, for love is the greatest! Amen.

Praised and glorified without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


