Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Christ King according to the Tridentine Rite.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Tridentine Holy Mass in the house chapel in Gestratz through His daughter Anne


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Heavenly Father was brightly illuminated in this Holy Mass, Christ on the Cross had the crown of thorns and this crown of thorns shone. The coat of the Queen of the Rosary of Gestratz was full of sparkling diamonds. St. Michael the Archangel has again struck his sword in all four directions to ward off evil from us.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She speaks only My words and no word is out of her.

My beloved ones, My chosen ones, yes you royal children, you have come today to this holy sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine form. You have received many graces in this holy sacrificial banquet. Rivers of grace have flowed over you. Yes, the Kingdom of Christ the King, My Son, is not of this world.

My children, My beloved and chosen ones, continue to walk this arduous way to Golgotha in the following of My Son Jesus Christ, then you will be protected and you will have the certainty that all the evil that is coming to you can be kept from you. You have the full protection of the whole heaven. Your Heavenly Mother watches over you.

She is venerated here as the Queen of the Rosary of Gestratz, that is, she always holds this Rosary out to you so that you may pray it often for the conversion of those who cannot and do not want to convert. Many of the royal children of My Son in the Trinity are waiting for your prayer. This divine power is not yet in them. They still need much prayer and your sacrifice. Through your endurance and perseverance you can achieve a lot.

My son waits eagerly for the hearts of these children, especially these priest sons. My children, you have opened your hearts, that is, you are king's children and I want to be your king in your hearts, the king of your heart. I want to guide and guide you so that you can continue to persevere on this path, because many hostilities have already come to you and many hostilities will still come. But if you come again and again to this holy sacrificial banquet, you can get all the strength for everyday life. This Holy Mass of Sacrifice will strengthen you in full measure. You cannot understand, My royal children, what you are receiving here. Rivers of grace will be poured out upon you and Divine Love will flow deeper into your heart.

I want to emphasize it again and again, because your dearest Mother lets this Divine Love enter into your heart. She is the Mother of Beautiful Love and your heart shall glow with Divine Love. You are not only children of kings, but children of God. You take part in the kingdom of My Son. He is the king of all hearts and the king of love. Love is the greatest, My children. If you do out of love all the complaints that come to you, you will master them only in Divine Love, not in human power.

Do not be sad that many people who meet you do not understand you, yes, that they turn away from you. It is normal, My children. Lonely is the way. You will be alone, but when you connect with Me, with My Divine Heart, everything will become easy for you. Do not always develop human fears. They hinder you from wanting to and being able to continue on this path. Do not be confused and kept away from the truth of Jesus Christ, from my truth. This is My Plan, My Divine Plan and no one will be able to understand this path.

I am the ruler of the whole world. The King of the whole universe in the Trinity. Can you measure what it means for you to be these royal children, to be called to this holy place? Here is My beloved priestly son, who did not choose himself, but I, the Heavenly Father, have called him to this place. He serves Me. He will be loyal to me and I will strengthen him and also you. Follow him, even if you are slackening in your human powers. Come to this holy sacrificial banquet. Allow the streams of grace to flow deep into your heart, then you will become stronger and bolder and words will flow out of you that are not of you. They are given to you by the Holy Spirit.

Receive My Holy Sacraments quite often: The Holy Sacrament of Penance, Holy Communion, and then, when you are sick, receive the Holy Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. It is important for you. I determine the day and hour of your departure. No one can recognize this day, nor is it foretold to you.

You know that My Church is in complete disorder, in a complete chaos. I will cleanse everything again and in this cleaning you are. Stay on the path. I will guide you here from this earth-shattering little chapel in Gestratz. I have founded it through My beloved priestly son. It was not his wish. It was My wish, the wish of the Heavenly Father.

I would like to thank you, beloved children, beloved royal children, for coming to Me, to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, on this Feast of Christ the King. There you have received the power and sometimes a crown of thorns is placed on your head. These are your victims. They will hurt you, but you will be able to go the way in spite of everything, because you will be supported with Divine Power.

And now I want to bless you, love you, protect you, send you out in the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. My Heavenly Mother, the Child Jesus, Padre Pio, the saints, the archangels, many guardian angels and angels also bless you. Be loved from all heaven and remain courageous and strong on this path. Amen.

Praised be Jesus and Mary forever and ever. Amen. Mary dear with the child, give us all Your blessing.


