Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Gestratz for the pilgrims from Austria through His child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Queen of the Rosary of Fatima was especially brightly illuminated. She lifted the rosary. He turned light blue and she blessed us. She also pointed to the baby Jesus. It was also brightly lit and blessed us during the transformation. St. Michael the Archangel was present and struck the sword in all four directions as he had done many times before. St. Joseph was also brightly illuminated. The blood from the side wound of Jesus flowed during the transformation. The rays of the Merciful Jesus shone silver, gold and dark red from His heart.

The Heavenly Father now says: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and child Anne. My beloved ones, My chosen ones, first of all I want to greet you and thank you for having come to this oasis of love and peace as I have called and founded it. I thank you for having responded to this call of Our Lady, for it is She who will guide you on this last way. She, too, will keep all evil from you like the Holy Archangel Michael. She will call down the angels, and if you want to fulfill My plan all the way and make an effort, you will have the full protection of all Heaven. I would ask you to let no evil enter your hearts. They want to press you to abandon this plan.

As you know, the evil one walks around like a roaring lion. It is the last time of my coming and the coming of my Heavenly Mother of Victory. It is she who wants to trample the head of the snake with you. She is also the loving Heavenly Mother. Beg her in every distress and in every sickness and difficulty, beg her to put the angels at your side, especially your guardian angels and also the Holy Archangel Michael.

How much I have waited here for this chapel. Everything was prepared by Me and by My extended family P., who opened the doors and the doors of the heart for Me here. Thank you to the family P. from the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

My children, how important it is to practice obedience today. Only you must learn to distinguish the spirits and not to obey those who want to lead you astray, but to follow those who fulfill my will. You will recognize it, because it is a way of holiness, a way of striving for holiness. You also strive for this way. You will be filled with My Divine Love. This love also wants to let My Mother flow deep into your hearts. Accept these graces. These are special graces of love.

In time you will realize that you will gain strength. You will mature into personalities who firmly obey and also represent the will of the Heavenly Father, and where appropriate, not to remain silent but to confess. You will be my witnesses and these messages, which are announced here in my house chapel in Gestratz, will go on the Internet, i.e. they will be scattered out into the world. Many will 'click on it' as they say, and many will be able to follow the truth. The Holy Spirit will come upon them and they will receive knowledge, because without this knowledge they will not be able to walk the path.

Ask again and again the Holy Spirit, My beloved ones, that He may let this Spirit of love and peace enter into your hearts, for without knowledge you are going astray. Confusion and aberration is coming at you from all sides.

But here you will experience My truths and will feel deep in your heart that it is I, the Heavenly Father, who gives you these words into your heart. For you will receive divine strengths and not human ones. Do not begin to want to fathom this great event today, this great Holy Sacrificial Feast. You will never understand how big this is. You receive the Body of My Son, Jesus Christ, in the Trinity. You receive Him personally in Holy Communion. This is a great gift for you. Taste it in your hearts, because it should strengthen you, and you take it with you into your daily life.

And now I want to bless you for this way, for this stony way. He leads to Golgotha, but you will not slacken in My plan. The Triune God and the Heavenly Mother bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.


