Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 15, 2008

God the Father speaks after the dedication of a house chapel in honor of the Queen of the Rosary of Fatima by His messenger Anne.


During the Holy Sacrifice the cross of Christ became all red and blood flowed from the side wound. A little bit, Jesus loosened His hands from the cross during the consecration and wanted to take His priest son in His arms. The angels bowed deeply and worshipped speaking. The mantle of Fatima's mother god has turned light blue and the crown shone in gold. A huge ray emanated from her rosary. She wishes to be venerated here as the Queen of the Rosary of Fatima.

St. Joseph shone in gold and the Child Jesus came down from his pedestal, took the crown of thorns in his right hand and blessed us one by one. A great stream of graces has flowed from this statue, especially from the Blessed Mother. Also she blessed us one by one and her eyes got bigger and darker and she looked quite sad. The priest was dipped in gold during the entire Holy Mass of Sacrifice. Blood was dripping from the heart of the Sacred Heart statue and from both hands.

Dearest Heavenly Father, I beg You to give quite a lot of blessing here in this house chapel, so that it may be fruitful for this place and the surrounding area. Exude your love on these people that they have the strength to follow your plan again and again and to fulfill only your wish and will.

The Heavenly Father now says: My beloved children, I have called and called you here to this place. You too are my chosen ones. For a long time I have looked upon you and in this time I have prepared you for this Holy House Chapel. Yes, it was My desire that it be consecrated to the Queen of the Rosary of Fatima through My holy priestly son who celebrated here My Holy Sacrifice in all reverence.

My beloved children, I speak to you today and not My Son. Time is hurrying. I will provide several more places for this emergency church and house church. Bad things will come upon all mankind. That is why my mother looks so sad today. She sees all the suffering of the world. Her tears run inside and she buries all her suffering. She was never as sad as during this time. How often has she kept me, the heavenly Father, from this event. But now she asks, my children, she asks that this event should come and my son asks me also.

My time is fulfilled, My children and My churches consecrated to Me are empty. The Tabernacle is no longer connected with the presence of My Son and this means that evil powers have entered My temples. Do not go to these churches anymore. Also there bad things will happen and I want to keep you from having to experience this.

I, the Heavenly Father, love My children so much that I have sent My Son to earth to redeem mankind. How many people have not accepted this work of redemption. How many priests are lost. Therefore, My children, I have decided to have this room consecrated to My chapel by My priestly son. He is chosen by me. It is not he who has chosen, I have chosen him. He will only fulfill my wishes, and these often do not lie in his will.

My children, do not ask for My plan and will. Take him. Practises total devotion more and more deeply. There is much you will not recognize and you will not fathom. Since Satan has invaded My temples, there will be great chaos in these churches. Many of my beloved sons of priests will not convert, and they will be confused. I, as Heavenly Father, wanted to avoid this and in My instructions and messages I admonished these priests to return to Me in the Trinity. They have not yet obeyed Me and My deputy, yes, they are no longer Catholic.

Believe, My children, that the suffering is so great that I need your comfort. How much I rejoice that you will obey Me. Practice My Steps in detail and go step by step the last way. It will be stony, heavy and painful for you. But without these steps you are not fully protected. Only then the great protection can keep all evil from you, when you completely fulfill my plan, my plan in its entirety. Look at My Heavenly Mother. She stood under the cross and preceded you with the most severe suffering. She will also be able to comfort you, and she is the only mother who will understand you.

Turn away from men who will not do my will. It is necessary for you. Still you can decide in freedom. You, my chosen ones here, have declared to Me your will that you will follow My steps in their entirety. I thank you for this, for this readiness, for this great love that you bring to me. Great gifts will await you. It is not only the time of purification, but the time of the new foundation of My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Yes, My children, you have heard correctly, the Heavenly Father now gives you the last instructions.

I am one with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit You too will become one with our will. This is a great task for you, but also a great grace. And grace means responsibility. Remain in this responsibility for the others. Pray and persevere, sacrifice and atone for these many offenses done to Us, We of the highest holiness in the Trinity of God.

Many priests have sinned against the Holy Spirit of God, sinned gravely, and they will sink into the abyss for all eternity unless they are granted full conversion. Until now, My children, the priests and also the bishops have not been converted.

I wish from you, My beloved ones, who have placed this chapel at my disposal so that I may be with you always, day and night, that you may appreciate this grace and this honor. Let others also benefit from it. I want to keep all evil from you. Take great care not to let anyone in who cannot and will not follow these steps.

I love you, My beloved family, who receive Me out of love for all heaven. And now I want to bless and strengthen you in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Blessed Mother blesses us for our farewell. We love you with all our heart and we would like to fulfill your wish. Amen.


