Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Whit Sunday.

God the Father speaks through His child Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Mother of God was flooded with red-golden and white light. The whole altar became blood-red during the transformation. The Holy Archangel Michael again struck with his sword in all four directions and said: "I will keep away all evil spirits from you, who follow Jesus Christ in the fullness of the way of the Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father says: My beloved children, My sacrificial children and My chosen ones, again I speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. She is in the full truth and no word is out of her. My beloved, your Heavenly Father has shown you today that the love between Father and Son becomes so great that the Holy Spirit fills you with this Spirit of truth. I have sent flames of love upon you today. These flames have ignited one another. My little one was allowed to see it clearly.

My children and chosen ones, keep these flames in your hearts, because I want you to become one with the Father and the Son, one in His will, one in His power, one in His security. Only when you completely fulfill my will and follow the way of my Son in all consistency, you will be allowed to experience the greatest joys.

This is my time. My hour has come where I must cry out my truth into the world. Do you understand, my beloved ones, that now great sacrifices are demanded of you? Bring me these sacrifices, but out of love, not out of compulsion. To none of you will I take free will. Decide in freedom and in love, then you will have the full protection of heaven, only then, my beloved children. There are nine of you who have gone this way so far. That is why I will send you especially today My Spirit of love between Father and Son, so that you also in this power can continue on the way.

Yes, also My persecution has begun a very long time ago. This tracking is required. Look into the Bible. There also My Son and all who followed Him and proclaimed His truth were called a sect. You too are called a sect. By this you know the truth of God. When you read my writings, you read the full truth.

I would also like to thank you for going the way of atonement in My sinful city Duderstadt and also in Göttingen. Already six times, My children, you have gone through the streets, giving testimony for the truth, praying the rosary to atone. My priests there and also here all do not lie in the truth. Therefore you have atoned. Still I have poured out graces through you there, but in no way has anyone rushed a single step toward me. None of my priests has felt a deep remorse for what he has done up to now against me, against me, the highest Lord. They have not recognized it and continue in the power of Satan, in the power of evil. There I cannot spend My graces.

You, My beloved ones, regret what is happening there and here. Atone, sacrifice, pray, yes, feel also a deep remorse for the others, because they have insulted me again and again on the highest level. You are here for my joy, for my thanks. Continue to follow these steps that I am revealing to you. Even if you suffer mockery as you experienced it in Duderstadt, give thanks. Do not complain about it, but give thanks for this mockery, only then can I be with you and pour out the joys of the Holy Spirit in their entirety and depth over you.

In gratitude you stand today before this great sacrament, the sacrament of love, the sacrament of sacrifice. Only in this holy sacrificial banquet am I present. In all My modernist churches I am no longer here. I will not allow myself to continue to be transformed in these unholy hands. Therefore, I ask you to visit only My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Walk the arduous steps in the love of the Holy Spirit. I want to protect you from the disaster that I must let come over all mankind. I, as Heavenly Father, am very sad and the whole of heaven over this world.

You are here to comfort us. We would like to thank you for your willingness to make a full sacrifice, which you always want to bring back in love. This sacrifice is necessary. Believe it, even if you will be separated from these who do not believe, who again and again insult me to the highest degree by lying in grave sins. Separate yourself from these people. They are not there for your salvation.

I want to found My Church in purity and also in consequence anew, and to this foundation belong you, My children. Yes, you will not understand what this means for you. Nor should you fathom it, for the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you the words, for the wind of the Holy Spirit blows where it wills. It is not your wishes that are fulfilled, but the wishes of the Heavenly Father. Consider this in your actions. Go along willingly and available this way. I wish it from you so much. Therefore I want to bless you in My Trinity, the love between Father and Son, the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Save the world! Be courageous and hold out in the last consequence! Amen.

Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.


