Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday for the Good Shepherd.

Jesus speaks through His child Anne after the Holy Tridentine Mass in the house chapel in Duderstadt.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Next to the tabernacle the Blessed Mother knelt on the right and St. Joseph on the left during the Holy Mass. The angels hovered above the tabernacle. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in golden light.

Jesus now says: My beloved children, My chosen ones, as I said to you already yesterday at My Cenacle, I have chosen you to be in My purified Church and there also to listen to My words. I speak today again through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. She lies in My full truth and speaks only words that I give her.

"I am the Good Shepherd, I know My sheep and Mine know Me", this I have proclaimed in My writings through My evangelists. I play a very precious melody on My flute and you will follow these tones. I have made your conscience sensitive, so that you also quietly understand the words that I want to tell you, because I play this fine melody again and again for you. You are to follow all instructions which I will give you through my messenger.

There are many tenants who do not listen to My words. They are from another sheepfold and they will not want to follow me. It is because of their will, my children, and not because I have not given them graces. Very often I have called them anew to follow my words, and they have not listened to my messengers and to my truths. They continue to be hirelings, leading their herd onto false meadows. Do not believe them, but distance yourselves from them! Stay with me! Remain faithful to Me and to this Holy Sacrificial Feast, which I renew again and again through My priestly Son! There are My truths! There they are announced and there also your conscience beats! You will recognize my words and you will again and again be able to follow my instructions because I sent you this messenger.

Give thanks that I have called and chosen you. You have not called yourselves, but I have chosen you. Thank you for wanting to follow My call. I love you and want to draw you again and again to My heart, to My wounded heart and to the heart of My mother, which is also wounded. Our two hearts beat together and you shall receive from these hearts the fire of My love. It is to become a blazing heart of love because my time is near, where I will order more and more messengers and order my sheepfold.

I love you! Be obedient and pay close attention to each of my steps! I will make known to you chosen ones everything what you need for my time, for my coming. And now I want to bless you, love you, protect you and send you out and write my words into your hearts, so that you can also bear witness with these words for me, for the truth. Be blessed in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You will be loved with boundless Divine Love. Be obedient and hold out until the end of time. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


