Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, August 20, 2007

Jesus speaks for the pilgrims in Aichstetten through His tool Anne.


Jesus says: To you, My beloved children, who are in My grace, I would like to greet warmly that you came on August 20 to this My sacred place of Aichstetten. You have spared no effort to remain in My presence. This Holy Mass of Sacrifice of My obedient, humble and holy priestly son has been celebrated today with special reverence. You have all received this gift, because today special graces should flow.

My little Anne, my little sacrificial lamb, I have united you with this one who is pardoned by Me, so that you too may today sacrifice your great sufferings and unite yourself to this one, My soul of atonement, for the good of many sacred families and for a pure virgin youth. I also want to make this suffering fruitful for many young people who are in need of complete conversion and still cling to the world. Many will be able to break away from the worldly pleasures of today. This merit is your prayer. Hang on, my beloved ones, the time is near. My coming is announced, because there are many eagerly waiting for this great event. The soul show will come.

My Holy Father on earth, the Supreme Shepherd, is entirely Mine and this Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite will spread very quickly. Some bishops want to create an uprising and want to keep the willing priests from this holiness. They will be prevented from it because my messengers will come to the fore more strongly because they receive heavenly strengths.

Without fear they proclaim My truths and courageously face the great attacks. It is not their strengths that come into play, but the divine powers that work within them. Firm is their root of faith. One wants to chase them out of My Church. But I, Jesus Christ, will come to their aid with great multitudes of My angels and My heavenly Mother will accompany them on all paths.

A radiant power will emanate from them that cannot be surpassed by anything else. Miracles of grace will happen through my chosen ones because they no longer belong to themselves, they have died to themselves because they have transferred their own will to me and live the total surrender. I live in them, and they put all their toil and worries into the sacrificial bowl. Joyfully they serve the other and no pride is in them. How much I enjoy their pure souls.

My children, unite your hearts today with Our united ardent and inflamed hearts. Feel secure and rest all at My Divine Heart. There is the silence and serenity in these days of storms that will sweep over the whole world. Under the mantle of My Heavenly Mother is your protection. No evil powers will be able to reach out to you there, because you can bear everything in love. People will look at you and envy you for your inner peace.

How long have I prepared you for this time and now your beloved Jesus can enjoy your strength. You have willingly endured misery, tribulation, illness, mockery and hostilities because I am your lord and master, who will direct everything. Rejoice, because your gratitude for my coming will take you to another world. Unite your cross with my cross because you are loved in your weaknesses. I like to look at your helplessness. Without me you cannot take these hurdles.

Hold out in constant prayer in your prayer groups, especially at My place of prayer Wigratzbad. Abundant graces will still flow through you. Do not resist my wishes, even if they seem uncomfortable to you. Great sacrifices I demand from you, but by the fruits you will recognize my truths, the messengers appointed by me. Today the whole heaven thanks you. Remain in joy and in love with one another. Nothing should be able to separate you from each other during this time.

Blessed are you, My messengers, with eternal love you are surrounded, for love endures everything. Be protected, blessed and sent in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. This gift was given to you, My little one, for your birthday by your bridegroom. Today I stand with you in a special union of heart, because you have opened your heart very wide for My words.


