Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jesus speaks during the retreat in Wigratzbad from July 17th to 20th.


Jesus says: My over all beloved little children. You are all led by Me to this place. Here in this place of prayer help is given to you. Believe and have faith. I have given a special calling to my beloved priest son A. He serves Me and My desire is to convey joy and gratitude to a high degree and to pour Divine Love into the hearts of individuals. Listen to his words and practice silence so that I may speak in your hearts. So much love I have to give to you, a heart of abundant love and joy.

I am with you every day and help you to leave your past behind. Reflect on the now and live the moment. Be happy in your hearts, because the great God wants to enter into your lives. Nothing shall keep you from praising and extoling me. Every moment is precious in your life. It is unrepeatable.

You, My children, shall work fruitfully. I have called you to preach My gospel to the unbelievers. Be brave and persistent. Do not give up, even if you are attacked. In joy I am with you. Do not let the sadness enter you, it will bring a melancholy. When you learn to love Me, you learn to accept others as they are, with all their weaknesses and faults. You will learn to love them and discover the good sides.

Did I not promise to stay with you. Receive Me. Only then do you begin to live. I am the truth and the life. Do not be afraid of the future. I am your future. You shall belong to no one but your deity. How much do you do without thinking of me and including me. Turn your attention to My sanctum sanctorum. There you will find your peace, this inner peace that the world cannot give you.

Loves people. Make an effort not to be individuals. Do not turn around your own axis. You are always responsible to communicate my truth to the other person. There is only one truth and only one church founded by me. All must find their way back to this unit.

I am the king, the king of your hearts and I will and want to reign in your hearts. If you not only listen to my words, but also perform deeds, then I can give you my power. In the Divine Power you will be able to move mountains. Wonder upon wonder you will perform. My time has come in which I will gather my flocks around me. These, my chosen ones, will not only hear my words, but they will follow them and perform deeds in my name.

If you have the will to be healed in body and soul, I will be able to accomplish your healing. Your will is decisive. I will not break him. Believe and trust, then salvation will come to you. I want to enter your hearts. Only if you open your hearts, I will give joy, gratitude and healing. You are never alone when you deal with Me. Your loneliness is there when you do not include me. I take away your sadness. My blood flows through your veins when you receive me in deep faith. Be blessed and loved. Remain in my love and peace.


