Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, January 5, 2007

In the morning.

Jesus speaks during the retreat in Wigratzbad from January 2-5, 2007.


Jesus says: Today, My beloved ones, I speak to you once more as a farewell. You have been richly endowed by my priestly son. He proves to me again and again his steadfastness and lies, like few of my priests, in the truth. For me he breaks a lance. No fear of man weighs on him. His fervent prayer life is helpful to him. Now, My little ones, be brave and obedient and follow Me, even if evil forces want to hold you back. Be wise and keep away from people who press you to refrain from doing good. I always give you signs and lead you in truth. In this time of turmoil in the whole world I give you many signs so that you do not miss my way.

Do not let yourselves be misled by priests and bishops who distort My truth and trample Me underfoot to hinder My words which I give to My chosen ones with lukewarm and weak words which shall cover you by their pride. Then with my help meet these men with composure. Be without fear, for you will be supported. Pay no attention to your successes. You are and remain nothing. You will be enabled to speak out My truths. Words will come out of your mouth that are not from you. One will be amazed at these words. You are to lead many men to true faith in me. Yes, even miracles will happen in my name through you.

The time has come, My children, in this time I reap My harvest. The wheat is separated from the chaff. They will not be able to understand you, because you do things in the Divine Power. Now, My children, My Heavenly Mother will win the victory with you. You are their children and are protected under their cloak spread out over you. Feel this security.

Your beloved child Jesus gives you these graces that are prepared for you. Gather more and more together. Hold on to each other. These many messengers have been called by me and will strengthen through their failures. These humiliations are necessary to progress in humility. They will be looked upon because this strength and love cannot come from them.

The crosses I have prepared for you are deep and heavy. Without the cross there is no salvation. You take part in my redeemer suffering. It makes you strong in love. The bond of your union is love. Through this love you will be inflamed, even ignited, and this love radiates from your eyes.

Again: I am the way, the truth and the life. Walk along these paths. I love you and remain with you all days until the end of My times. Remain faithful to Me, and in My blessing I release you into the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


