Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Short Biography

Anne had unconsciously contact with heaven already as a little girl of 6 years. She missed so much her beloved Mama, whom the good Lord took to Himself in heaven already at the age of 33, a few days after her birth, on August 20, 1941.
Her aunt, who had taken her in and raised her as her own child, kindled her longing for her mother in heaven. She often ran to her in the cemetery to confide her sorrows and tears. She always received a consoling answer and told of it with joy. In her heart she had the certainty that she had spoken to her mama in heaven.
Her experiences of that time were suppressed by many worldly influences. She married and had a son. When problems arose regarding a serious, incurable illness, she cried out to Heavenly Father in her distress. All of a sudden, in the starry night sky, she saw a fatherly figure in a bright circle of light.
He spoke to her in a loving, kind tone. He said: 'You are my beloved child. I will keep you and protect you. Call upon me often, for I will hear you.' This happened in 1983, and suddenly she learned to pray the rosary again and changed her life completely. She directed it completely to God and underwent a complete transformation. She often heard the sweet voice of the Blessed Mother.
Only later did she consecrate herself in the Schoenstatt Movement to the Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt in 1989 in the Covenant of Love and in 1991 she sealed the deepened Covenant of Love.
In 1987, her incurable illness became so serious that she sought help and found it by praying the Rosary constantly. A loving family heard of her suffering, took her in and cared for her day and night until Christmas 1991 when the miracle of her complete recovery occurred, for she had offered her life to the Christ Child in the manger.
In 1994, her first major encounter with Christ was during Holy Communion at her parish, Mary Queen of Peace. Jesus told her the following in her heart on January 23, which she did not understand at that time: "My child, you are My willing instrument. I use you as I want. Be My tool out of love for Me. Out of love I want to make you mature. I want to draw you to Me out of great love for you. Let it happen from you. Not you speak and you act, but I speak from you and act through you."
She replied, "Yes Lord, use me and let me mature toward you. I am all Yours." Then Our Lady spoke in her heart, "Let Me form and educate you, for I am your Heavenly Mother and you are My instrument and that of My Son. I love you." She said, "Yes Lord, I thank You for Heavenly Mother. She is my greatest treasure on the way to You."
She shared this with the priest in her parish.
Then followed other brief intercessions by Jesus Christ during Holy Communion. In this way, He prepared her for greater things.
On July 22, 2004, it hit her like a bolt of lightning when during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar at her parish, Mary Queen of Peace, Jesus spoke loudly through her to the 5 people present and appeared to her. The message included: Conversion, Confession, Holy Eucharist, Prayer of the Rosary, and Adoration: 'Serve, be humble and obedient, believe and trust,' among other things, were His words. Jesus had announced it to her beforehand that He was going to speak, but she herself had no idea how it was going to happen.
July 29, 2004 was the next apparition and Jesus spoke His messages through Anne aloud during adoration of the exposed Blessed Sacrament. She could not resist it.
In the church she saw Jesus and the Blessed Mother. They often wept bitter tears of blood. Jesus appeared in a brown penitential robe with a crown of thorns or as a king in a red robe with a crown and scepter. The Blessed Mother wore a light blue mantle covered with golden stars, which she spread over all of us. Jesus never appeared without His heavenly Mother. Sometimes she was allowed to see the Blessed Trinity.
After that, she experienced many hostilities and slander, even from some priests, to the point of turning away the faithful. Darknesses, remoteness from God without consolations and abandonments alternated with apparitions, intercessions and joys.
In the meantime, Jesus has sent her an understanding spiritual director who takes care of her in a fatherly and loving way. For this she is grateful to all Heaven.
The Heavenly Father on the mission of Anne: "She will have these messages until the end of My coming, because it is about the foundation of My 'New Church'. And My messenger Anne has this mission. She has promised to remain faithful to Me with her spiritual director and with her special group, all of whom are going along the difficult path of My Son up to Mount Golgotha. They want to go with her to the top of it. And they obey Me in all their steps." (August 29, 2009)
"And you, My little one, have the greatest task: to announce the Holy Eucharist, the priests, My Holy Sacrificial Supper, My Son's Sacrificial Supper and the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar for the 'New Church'. This is your great task." (September 29, 2009)
She, My messenger, will scatter My truths throughout the world. She will shout them out because she is convinced of My truth and because I have chosen her. Not she will be able to proclaim the truth in her incapacity, but I Myself in her proclaim My truth through My Internet, which I have chosen for this purpose. (...) I have taken human fear from her, because I live in her and I suffer in her. Why do I suffer in her, My beloved ones? Because I must experience this suffering again today and watch it again. For this I have chosen My little one, so that I can suffer in her, so that she also willingly accepts these sufferings and feels that I am the only ruler also over her soul, which she willingly gives to Me, because she has surrendered her will to Me and has gladly given it to Me. I live in her and I work in her as the Divine Omnipotence wants and desires. (January 25, 2010)
My little one is doing superhuman things at the moment and so are her helpers. Do you think she does it for herself? No! She does it for My Church, - for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, - out of love. She gives herself into this suffering and sacrifices and atones with her spiritual director, with her small group. It is pleasing to Me, - this group, because it perseveres much in prayer and sacrifices and atones. It does not slacken in love, despite many hostilities and great sacrifices. (February 14, 2010)
The Heavenly Father about the Mission of Anne

She will have these messages until the end of My coming, because it is about the foundation of My new church. And this mission has My messenger Anne. She has promised to remain faithful to Me with her spiritual director and with her special group, all of whom will go along the difficult way of My Son up to Mount Golgotha. They want to go with her to the top of it. And they obey Me in all their steps. (August 29, 2009)
And you, My little one, have the greatest task: to announce the Holy Eucharist, the priests, My Holy Sacrificial Supper, My Son's Sacrificial Supper, and the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar for the new Church. This is your great task. (September 29, 2009)
She, My messenger, will scatter My truths throughout the world. She will shout them out because she is convinced of My truth and because I have chosen her. She will not be able to proclaim the truth in her incapacity, but I Myself in her will proclaim My truth through My Internet, which I have chosen for this purpose. (...) I have taken human fear from her, because I live in her and I suffer in her. Why do I suffer in her, My beloved ones? Because I must experience this suffering again today and watch it again. For this I have chosen My little one, so that I can suffer in her, so that she also willingly accepts these sufferings and feels that I am the only ruler also over her soul, which she willingly gives to Me, because she has surrendered her will to Me and has gladly given it to Me. I live in her and I work in her as the Divine Omnipotence wants and desires. (January 25, 2010)
My little one is doing superhuman things at the moment and so are her helpers. Do you think she is doing it for herself? No! For My Church she does it, - for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, - out of love. She gives herself into this suffering and sacrifices and atones with her spiritual director, with her small group. It is pleasing to Me, - this group, because it perseveres much in prayer and sacrifices and atones. It does not slacken in love, despite many hostilities and great sacrifices. (February 14, 2010)
My little one, remember, an earth-shaking task awaits you: Earth-shattering, world-changing! Can you understand it? No, you cannot understand it, of course. But I, your loving Father, am there, am in your heart in Trinity with My Son. It is He who suffers in you. He is suffering anguish in your heart. My beloved little one, as you know, you are the continuation of My beloved Maria Sieler, who is already in My glory. Call upon her often, for she will help you in this time and in these torments of yours that I must give you again and again, My beloved little one. But you will grow stronger. You will grow in sacrifice, in willingness to take everything upon yourself - in love. (April 3, 2010)
And this priestly work, which is to come into being in the succession of My beloved messenger, who is already in My glory, Maria Sieler, is being founded. Yes, it is My truth and I will not take a small step back from this truth. It has been My desire and will for a long time. And you, My messenger, will follow in the footsteps of My beloved Maria Sieler. You will be able to do it because you will be supported, - not from your strength, because you are a weak creature, but from divine strength. (April 5, 2010)
And now a new time begins, My beloved ones, for those who now still want to fulfill in its entirety the will of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Heavy suffering will come upon My little messenger Anne, for I, Jesus Christ, will have to suffer the greatest suffering, the greatest Olivet Hours, in My messenger. Why, My children? Because I must found the 'New Church', not want to, but must! How long I have waited not to have to do that. But now My decision has been made. My little messenger will be ready. I have asked her many times and made it known to her that she experiences and suffers through My sufferings, whether I may suffer in her Myself. She has not said 'no' to Me. (...) I work and live in you, and you give yourself to Me as a sacrificial soul, as an atonement soul especially for My hierarchy. (April 10, 2010)
I have chosen this messenger for Myself and ordained her from eternity. I have made her capable of suffering through many illnesses, through many mental and physical sufferings. She has said her full 'yes' to Me that I may continue to suffer the New Church in her. How this will look like and how this will take place, only My Heavenly Father knows, - He alone. He continues to expect from you, My little messenger, your full 'yes'. (...)
She is a nothing, she is My nothing and remains a nothing! She is My flower of suffering and nothing else! I have chosen her and she will fulfill My will. Not her desires she will be able to satisfy, but My desires she will fulfill! (April 11, 2010)
Yes, My little one, you will have a hard time at this time and so will you, My group. You will have to support My little one, which is not easy. All the abandonment and the loneliness My Son has to suffer anew for the foundation of the 'New Church', because the whole clergy has abandoned My Son. That is why this church is destroyed. (June 13, 2010)
My beloved little one is suffering for you. The path of suffering has begun anew for her, and the path of suffering is difficult. Yes, she has taken over the work of the mystic Maria Sieler. In her, Jesus Christ, My Son, will want and will have to suffer the new priesthood. (August 7, 2010)
My little one who proclaims these words is fully in the truth of Heaven. I, the Heavenly Father, have chosen her from eternity. For many years, with many serious illnesses, she was prepared for this great task and mission for the whole world. Yes, it is a world mission that she is to fulfill. And she is ready to continue to give up her will and surrender it to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.
It is not easy for you, My beloved little one, to endure and bear these sufferings. Very ill, you often lie down and are bedridden and suffer. For what do you suffer, My little one? Are you suffering for yourself? No! Then for whom are you suffering? For the many beloved sons of priests. For the many bishops, especially in Germany, for those chief shepherds who are not in the truth and for My beloved Holy Father. (...)
He wants to go this way of suffering once again in My ready daughter and messenger Anne. Yes, she is the successor of the great mystic Maria Sieler. Until now this mystic was unknown. You, My beloved ones, can read this in the offered book now how much suffering she has endured and how much suffering is still waiting for My daughter Anne. (September 4, 2010)
You bear witness to your Heavenly Father in the Trinity and to your dearest Mother who accompanies you. You bear witness to the messages of the Heavenly Father, for only to you, My beloved daughter, has the Heavenly Father proclaimed the full truth. There will never be anyone who receives these messages directly from Heavenly Father and is so bold as to proclaim them to all the world. (October 7, 2010)
However, My entire desire is that My Son Jesus Christ will suffer the 'New Priesthood' and the 'New Church', in you, you little human soul, whom I have chosen from eternity, who places himself at My disposal in this suffering. (November 7, 2010)
My beloved little one, how important is this atonement to you here in My place of Wigratzbad. How long have I desired this atonement from you day and night. And you obey My words and you follow My wishes and pay attention to My plan and not to your wishes. Your desires are different. For who of you, My beloved, wants to suffer, to suffer in this world - voluntarily and not for himself, but for the others?
You, My little one, have surrendered your will to Me and have given this will to My Son. He suffers in you - He Himself. He suffers again the suffering of the cross. And you suffer this suffering in your soul as well. What this means, My beloved little one, you have often had to experience when the agony became immeasurably great in you. Then you cried out to Me and I sent you comfort, although you did not feel it. I also made you feel My abandonment. It must be, My beloved little one. You are safe and secure in My hands. (November 21, 2010)
It is I, My beloved children, who speak through this instrument, I, the Heavenly Father. So powerful are these messages that My Little One gives to the Internet and so important for the whole world. But how many priests, the entire clergy, the authorities, do not obey these messages. One day, before the eternal judgment, they will be asked: "Why did you reject My messages on earth? Why? Why did you fall? Couldn't you have done everything for Me on earth? And you did not do it. Now I am passing judgment on you." (November 27, 2010)
My beloved little one, you felt your atonement pains taken away the moment you were ready to receive this message. Yes, My little one, you are My plaything because you are at My disposal, you belong to Me and you are My property. You have given yourself completely and through you My Son Jesus Christ suffers. He suffers the new Church in you and the new priesthood. You are the successor of Maria Sieler, My messenger, who preceded you in this truth and atonement suffering. Always remember, it is the suffering of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Your suffering will go and it will come as I desire. You are suffering today for a certain person. Suffer and be available to Me as before. (December 5, 2010)
The Death Agony of Christ

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
on the afternoon of March 27, 2004, while I was carrying out my daily Stations of the Cross requested by Our Lady for this Lenten season, and while the promised vision at the 12th Station of the Cross was also taking place again on the outdoor grounds of Schoenstatt in Armadale, W. Australia, another most extraordinary revelation occurred which, in keeping with Our Lady's request that I open my heart and soul to everyone, I am pleased to share with you.
The scene I am about to describe is, and most certainly was, most startling and extremely painful at the moment I saw and felt it. In this vision I saw our Lord Jesus Christ hanging nailed to the cross. It was as if I zoomed in, as a camera can zoom in on a picture, but in this case to a close-up of Jesus' back, where I could clearly see that He had only scraps of skin on His back, where by far the greater part of His back consisted of exposed flesh, with a multitude of obviously deep cuts caused by the scourging He had so cruelly and unjustly received. And from this vantage point I could clearly see that the wood of the cross behind His back was full of nicks and knots, and the surface was completely splintered like splinters of firewood split by an axe.
Still spellbound by what I just described, I then saw Jesus wince in pain and His back at the same time. In fact, the open flesh on His back was bruised from the rough unfinished surface of the cross. And at the same time, I could hear Him crying out loudly with a most terrible piercing and agonizing voice as the pain shot through His Holy Body. But as if seeing and hearing this was not painful enough for me, I could actually feel His pain as I saw and heard it.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I cannot even tentatively describe to you adequately the effect that this experience had on me at that moment, right now after the event, and I am absolutely certain will have for the rest of my life from now on.
This apparition of seeing and actually feeling Christ's agony lasted, it seemed to me, hours, while I saw and felt the agony of every movement our Lord made, each time in a vain attempt to assume a more comfortable or less painful position. With each movement He emitted a terrible cry of excruciating pain, such excruciating pain that was simply unrelenting. When He moved His back, the nails on His wrists snapped and seemingly involuntarily His clenched hands opened, from which pain simultaneously shot down His arm to His shoulders and neck, from there down His spine, across His exposed buttocks (He was completely naked on the cross), with which He tried to support the weight of His Holy Body, into His groin, then down His thighs and legs, until finally they reached His feet. Once these stabbing pains reached His feet, they made His feet twitch, which in turn sent a stabbing and excruciating pain up His legs through the nails in His foot. And so the agonizing process of stabbing pain continued in the opposite direction from where it had begun with the twitching of His back against the raw, splintered wood of the cross.
.All the while, as I watched this utterly inhuman agony, I could actually feel, at the same time as My Lord, our Lord, every single agonizing movement through my own body, but undoubtedly not nearly as deep and intense pain as He was enduring. His Most Holy Face was completely covered with His Holy Blood, with so many deep wounds both as a result of the scourging blows He had received and the cruel way the Roman soldiers must have pressed on the crown of thorns to make it penetrate His skull. All this tremendous torture meant that His Most Holy Face was completely twisted and distorted with pain, and the more He cried this out, the more His Face distorted.
He screamed so loudly so that the pain would subside, but the more He screamed, the more the pain increased and the more skin abrasions and puncture wounds He received on His Holy Body from the screaming. Then His Holy Body momentarily sagged from sheer exhaustion from the screaming and agonizing suffering, with His Holy Head falling forward onto His blood-stained chest, and for a brief moment there was a pause in the screaming - but only for a short time, because then He began to choke, and by trying to breathe air into His lungs, He therefore began to choke up mucus and blood, which in turn caused Him to cough. This then in turn set off a chain reaction of renewed agony, pain and screaming, as His Holy Body was further abraded and punctured on the rough surface of the wooden cross by the coughing.
While watching this most inhuman torture, I actually felt once again all the pain He was going through. Then, as if this scene were not horrible enough, I saw Our Lady, who saw the same thing I saw, looking up at Him. And as our Lord cried out, She also cried out with Him in agony and torment, wanting to take the pain away from Him as much as any loving mother on earth would have wanted to when she herself witnessed such an abomination with her own children. Then Our Lady, still weeping, tried to reach out and touch Our Lord's feet to relieve the pain. And when He saw this, His Holy Body flinched in anticipation of the pain due to the touch of the open wound by His Mother's hand. And this, in turn, caused even more injuries to His back and even more cries of pain. This new outburst of cries and anguish then in turn caused Our Lady even more grief and weeping at the utter helplessness. She was in a state of complete despair and Her heart was completely torn with pain as She felt completely helpless in trying to take away the pain, agony and suffering from Her beloved Son, Our Lord. In turn, despite His excruciating physical suffering, our Lord was then completely brokenhearted and dismayed. Seeing His beloved Mother's helplessness to help Him, He also felt Himself helpless to take away her pain and sorrow.
This scene, which I have tried to describe so accurately, with the inadequacies of the English (German) language to find words to describe my feelings and sensations, seemed to last hours, although in real time and in reality it actually lasted only minutes, leaving me completely empty physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. I could hardly rise from the ground in my humbly prostrate position before the cross, for not only was I weeping unrestrainedly, but I was tearing at every limb as if I had been struck dead.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this experience, which was to be repeated again the following day at the 12th Station, was so real that if someone could see and feel what I had gone through, and thus also realize what sin really does to Our Lord and then to Our Lady, I then truly believe we would all think long and hard about sinning again. Even if Our Lady did not tell me so, at least to date, I am nevertheless convinced, this experience would undoubtedly be far more of an appropriate penance for my sins than any form of penance I have ever been asked to do before by any priest in the past.
Many thanks, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for allowing me to share this most extraordinary experience with you. And I hope it will be of help to all of you.
I pray, Blessed Mother, that those who wish to read or hear Your messages will receive them with Your blessings, and that their hearts will also be filled with Your graces and Your love.
Anne continues to atone for the Church and the world.
His Holiness Pope Paul VI has confirmed on October 14, 1966 the Decree of the Sacred Congregation for the promulgation of the Faith (Acta Apostolicae Sedis No. 58/16 of December 29, 1966) that allows the publication of writings concerning the supernatural manifestations even if these writings are not approved by the “nihil obstat” of the Ecclesiastic Authorities.