Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Call of Saint Michael the Archangel to the People of God. Message to Enoch

Prepare Yourselves Therefore People of God for the Great Spiritual Combat That is Approaching: Do Not Lower Your Guard with Prayer; Put on the Spiritual Armor Morning and Night, Extending It to Your Children and Relatives, Remaining in the Grace of God So That No Force of Evil Can Harm You!


Glory to God in Heaven and on earth peace to men of good will.

Seed of my Father, may the Peace of the Most High be with you all.

People of God, days of strong spiritual combat are coming, where you must be spiritually prepared so that you can withstand the attacks of the forces of evil. May your Spiritual Armor be well oiled with prayer, fasting and penance; strengthened in faith and in the grace of God, so that you can repel the incendiary darts of the evil spirits, which will attack you in the mind. Close every spiritual door that you have open, making a good confession so that the enemy of your soul cannot steal your peace and make you lose it.

Understand brethren, that the world is in the power of darkness and the evil spirits united with the emissaries of evil here on earth, are desperately seeking to lose as many souls as possible to unite them to the forces of evil. The being of iniquity is already among you and is indoctrinating and preparing his army for the great Armageddon. The fallen angels that you call in your world extraterrestrials are invading the earth; the sightings of the infernal ships are increasing, in the time of the last reign of the Antichrist you will be able to see them. These infernal beings will come as angels of light, speaking of love and peace; many by their lack of faith, knowledge and distance from God, will follow them and in doing so will lose the life of the Spirit.

These fallen angels will accompany the Antichrist in his last reign and will have with him, the approval of the kings of this world. For a time together with the being of iniquity they will appear as beings of light to deceive mankind. When the time of Armageddon comes, they will become together with their master what they are: demons. You are therefore warned people of God so that you will not fall into this deception; the show of the Antichrist is about to begin; all the media and the kings of this world will serve him and announce his appearance; there will be a great display of propaganda in the world announcing the arrival of the false messiah. The Antichrist will show himself as the savior, in his last reign he will begin the planned war that will end with his intervention, proclaiming himself as the great peacemaker. He will be worshipped as a god, and euphoria will seize all those who are not inscribed in the Book of Life.

Prepare then people of God for the great spiritual combat that is approaching; do not lower your guard with prayer; put on the Spiritual Armor morning and night, extending it to your children and relatives, remaining in the grace of God, so that no force of evil can harm you.

May the Peace of the Most High abide in you, Oh people of God.

Your Brother and Servant, Michael the Archangel

Make known to all mankind the messages of salvation.

Spiritual Armor

Source: ➥
