Marian Revelations to Luz de Maria, Argentina


Friday, May 24, 2019

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ

To Luz De Maria.


My People:

My Beloved People, I do not abandon you when you are most besieged by the Devil. On the contrary, I protect you and send My Heavenly Armies for the SALVATION OF A SINGLE SOUL, BUT THAT SOUL MUST WANT TO BE SAVED AND BE WILLING TO BE RESCUED.

This does not imply that My People do not suffer for their own purification, it does not imply that you enjoy Heaven in advance. Together with all humanity, My children pass through the sieve of trials and emerge triumphant.

Humanity has been tested and has suffered undeniable trials because of weakness in Faith and the prompt welcome it has offered the Devil. The strategy of the Devil has overcome My children and these have fallen into the clutches of envy, a poor counselor in leading you to want to attain My Will without passing via this "Divine Sculptor".

The battle between "Good and Evil" has existed and yet man is unable to retain his experience, but continues to suffer from his own disobedience.

My People see historical events in miniature, and those who are living at this instant in which the Devil's persecution is spreading throughout the Earth, in striving for souls to be lost, view My Word and that of My Mother inattentively and without awareness.

You see the tip of the iceberg without processing the depth of what you are living at present and what you will live in the future; you are told about peace accords and you do not visualize what My Word anticipates so that you wake up before the storm. Disobedience makes My children blind and deaf, the Devil's cunning muddies your thinking so that like rivers of mud, My Own become contaminated and suffer from grave spiritual illnesses.

This plague that is overtaking My own at this stage of the history of humanity is totally directed towards perverting man’s mind so that conscience would collapse, and chaos takes hold of My children, being like boats adrift.

The Earth has changed its axis, magnetism is leading it in another direction, which is causing great and unexpected effects on the Earth, on man, on all nature. So it is with My children - the magnetism that evil generates causes humanity to change its thought, its tastes, its desires, its intentions and to be a totally different creature from one instant to the next. My People do not see the depths of the confrontation of good and evil, nor do they look with concern at the proliferation of norms contrary to Me in everything that can represent Me, they do not see the pestilential agendas of sin being approved in the nations, they do not see how little by little, with great diplomacy, I am being taken out of My House, out of the Churches - but more serious is how, by human will, man is removing me from his life.

"Therefore take the armour of God, that you may be able to resist on the fateful day and stand firm after having overcome everything" (Ephesians 6: 13).

My People are living the great universal Battle prophesied between "good and evil" and they do not want to believe it. Many of My children have embraced the Devil, his perversions, his ways of extreme immorality, of death, which lead them to lose their souls if they do not repent. Forgetting the Divine Law, they dare to profane what is of My House, they commit sacrilegious acts in order to satisfy the Devil. This accumulation of evil contains within itself the force of the Devil’s own action and work, and, not being firm in the Faith, you cannot be immovable.

Feed yourselves with My Body and My Blood, pray and be My Love, My Mercy and My Hope for your brothers and sisters.

"My Kingdom is not of this world" (cf. Jn 18:36), My Kingdom will survive for ever and ever.

My People should know the Prophecies that My Mother and I have given them so that you are not found asleep.

My Beloved People, you should not let what is happening on Earth go unnoticed; the signs and signals are announcements for those who are asleep to awaken.

My Mother Prepares My Second Coming and She, by Her Hand, will bring My Angel of Peace (1) to My Children so that He gives you My Love, My Guidance, and sustain you. Then unbelievers will see My Angel of Peace and will listen to Him and regain hope. My Mother: Door of Heaven, Morning Star, Sun that never darkens, by order of Our Most Holy Trinity, is the Ark of Salvation in the last times. My Mother bore Me in Her Womb and that Blessed Womb will be what leads My People to Me.

Pray My children, pray for the West, it has become contaminated and disobeys Me.

Pray My children, pray so that you resist until the end.

Pray My children, pray for Canada, the unexpected comes to that nation.

Beloved People of Mine, wake up! My call is urgent, do not sleep.

I WILL PREVAIL! (Mt 16,18).

I bless you.

Your Jesus.




(1) Revelations about the Angel of Peace ...

Source: ➥