Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Monday, September 7, 1998

Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions

Message from Our Lady


Dear children. GOD(pause) sends Me again on this earth, to give you My Message.

Understand, dear children, that My Heart(pause) is increasingly pained by the situation in the world, especially in Brazil. Brazil has sinned a lot, so it will be free from wars and conflicts, but it cannot be free from the physical chastisements of nature, which will happen, if you do not convert.

In so many places and for so long, I have been inviting Brazil to conversion, but you do not want to understand. I invite each one of you to reflect on the seriousness of my presence here, and of my requests. May My requests be accepted and heeded throughout this immense land of the Holy Cross.

In Brazil, Faith is disappearing little by little. Empty churches, abandoned tabernacles, profaned Masses; sects growing, violence and hatred exploding from all sides.

Convert yourselves. Come back to GOD. Do not offend GOD, our Lord, who is already too much offended.

If the whole of Brazil (pause) begins a great journey of prayer, of reparation, and of intercession, GOD will work so many Miracles in Brazil, that in a short time, it will be known as the Land of Grace.

There are now only a few more beads to close the Great Rosary of My Immaculate Heart, which I have been weaving over Brazil all these years. When these last beads (pause) are completed, My Mission will then have closed, which is to prepare you for the Glorious Return of My Son Jesus, who comes to you in Glory.

Soon, the TRIUMPH of My Immaculate Heart will happen!

Brazil will be the Land, where I want to cultivate My favorite Garden. I desire that my Heart become loved, known and venerated throughout Brazil!

I promise the family that has an image of Me, with the Heart on the Chest, at home. This family will have My Protection, and My Presence.

I bless them in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ

"- Generation. with LOVE,(pause) with tenderness,(pause) and even, eperdido of LOVE, I come to you, Generation.

My Heart, each day, is more and more (pause) tied and bound to you.

O Generation! I have called(pause) and have announced My IMMINENT RETURN to all, to all hearts. both to those of Goodwill and also to sinners.

Know, O Generation! O My children! that I have cared for each one, I am jealous of each one, and when I see you(pause)hanging on the side of the world. slipping into the nets of sin! My Heart feels betrayed, rejected, put (pause)to contempt by you.

Generation, My Heart cries out in a loud voice: - Come to Me! Come back to Me! I can heal you, I can clean you, I can give you back your life!

Like a leper, fallen in the dirt and dust of the ground, I have found you, generation. Ah! if you only knew how much LOVE I have for you! Ah! if you only knew how much tenderness(pause) I deposit, and place in you.

Generation. while you have nailed My Hands to the Cross(pause) from the suffering, from the anguish I feel, for every sin done and committed! My Hands,(pause) reach out to you, generation! to lift you up! and to save you.

While you try to nail My Feet, I, have come from every corner of the world! to meet you, generation.

While (pause) you have been trying to silence My Voice, that cries out desperately for My Little Prophetsf!

O Generation, how My LOVE is met with ingratitude.

Generation! Ah, if only you had listened to My MOTHER, in the Cova da Iria of Fatima! If only you had listened to the call of My MOTHER, at Lourdes! O generation, you would certainly not have fallen so low,(pause) nor swallowed so much poison, which the serpent gave you, disguised as wine of pleasures and joys.

If you had listened to the urgent appeal of My MOTHER, in La Salette. if you had heard what My MOTHER wants from you, here in these Apparitions, certainly, at least your land, Brazil, would already be a Living Tabernacle, which altars where I could perform My wonders. But as long as you do not listen to Me, Generation, your land will be only pain and loneliness.

Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me, generation!

Little. little is the time that the FATHER has granted(pause) so that I and My MOTHER can speak to you. Hear Me, Generation. Hear Me, Generation! Believe Me, Generation.

To you, I offer My Hands (pause) and My Heart, as support and safe shelter, and I give you My Blessing. in the Name of the Father. Son. and Holy Spirit. (pause) Be. in My Peace."




