Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 20, 1998
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, rejoice today with the Angels, because GOD today has granted Me the Grace to bless all My children who live My Messages.
Today I enclose in My Immaculate Mantle all those who live My requests with love. I thank all those who have lived perfectly the consecration to My Heart.
I ask all of you to continue praying for Peace and for the intentions of My Immaculate Heart. I love you all very much, and you are very dear to Me, very dear to My Heart.
I wish upon all of you the Peace and Blessing of the Lord, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."
Second Apparition
"- Dear children, I thank you all who, during this week, have prayed to displease My Heart and the Heart of Jesus, as I had asked you.
I thank you and I ask that now, in the new week that is coming, you pray for the conversion of the atheists, of those who do not believe in GOD. Through your prayers, many of them will return to GOD and become faithful.
I need your prayers, especially the Rosary. May you, during this week, dedicate your prayers, Masses, and sacrifices all to the intention of the conversion of atheists.
I thank all those who love My Heart and give themselves to Him."
Marcos: (Our Lady continues speaking only to me)
Our Lady:"-My son, thank My children for Me. Now, you can see My Heart without thorns, and already happy again, for the reparation you have offered."
Marcos: (Our Lady opened Her Hands, which were posed, and showed Her Heart on Her chest. It was beautiful, and with each beat, it shed rays in all directions. She said:)
Our Lady: "I am no longer hurt. I easily forgive the son who repents and returns to My Heart.(pause) Come to My Heart."
Marcos: (I answered Her that I could not, because She was too far away and too high. Our Lady smiled and came down. I approached Her, and we became so close, so that a person could not pass between the two of us. Then Our Lady said to me:)
Our Lady said to me: "Touch My Heart, and when you touch it, ask for what you want. Today, I will grant you what you want."
Marcos: (I touched Our Lady's Heart, and I felt like an electric echo, a sweet electric current coming from Her. When I touched, I felt pulsations in the palms of my hands, and acceleration of my heart.
I asked Our Lady for World Peace, and the Grace that all those on the Mount and I would also be saved and reach Heaven. After I took my hands from the Immaculate Heart of Mary Most Holy, She said to me:)
Our Lady: "- Granted! But, you (.*)"
Marcos: Then Our Lady went up towards the Cross, leaving a special Blessing for everyone."
* Note - Marcos: (This part of the dialogue has been omitted here, and shall be published later, if Our Lady so permits and wills)