Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Adore the Holy Face of Jesus, Adore Him deeply

Message of St. Gabriel the Archangel given to Mario D'Ignazio, Seer of the Blessed Garden of Brindisi, Italy on August 1, 2023


Adore the Holy Face of Jesus, adore Him deeply.

Invoke Jesus the Redeemer.

I am with the Little Remnant following Fatima.

Mary is the Ark of Eternal Salvation.

Pray the Rosary every day.

Entrust yourselves to Mary, Mediatrix of Grace and Advocate for sinners.

We ask for prayers, fasts, penances, alms to the poor.

Let the Little Flock follow Mary Most Holy.

Do not listen to the heretical church that spreads heresies, pray to the Heavenly Court, that it heal you and deliver you from Satan.

Your struggle is against invisible evil beings.

Invoke Jesus more and more: in trials, afflictions, sufferings, disappointments.

The Warning will be there. A great war will hit Europe, and nuclear weapons will destroy whole nations.

Do not disappoint Us, listen to Heaven. Believe, do good, help Heaven win, help the imprisoned. Pray to Me.

Praise, honor and power to Jesus the Redeemer, He comes to judge the just and the unjust.

Believe in the Apparition, accept the Message, repent.

The Cups are about to pour out. I bless you all.

Prayer to St. Gabriel the Archangel

given to Mario D'Ignazio on Aug 1, 2023

Sweet Archangel Gabriel, purify me, deliver me from the Evil One and his plots. Make me resist his seductions and flatteries.

Give me peace of heart. Pray to Mary for me.

Grant that I may be saved from the satanic imposture, of the false church, and convert me more and more to Jesus.

Intercede for me, Archangel of the Divine Annunciation.

You know that I get sad, discouraged, help me You.

Help me to sin no more. I believe in You, I entrust myself to You. Amen.

The prophecies of the End Times given to Mario D'Ignazio, seer of the Blessed Garden in Brindisi


