Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Hard Times Await You
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy on October 8, 2022

This evening the Virgin Mary appeared all dressed in white, even the mantle that enveloped Her was white and even covered Her head. Mama had Her hands clasped in prayer, in Her hands a long white holy rosary beads as of light that reached almost down to Her feet. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. Mama was surrounded by many angels and an immense light not only enveloped Her, but illuminated the whole forest, it was as if enchanted.
The angels, they were singing a very sweet melody and you could hear the sound of a bell ringing festively. The bell was on My left side, just where the Virgin has shown it to me before and where She wishes it to be placed.
Mama had a beautiful smile, but Her eyes were sad.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for being here in My blessed forest on this day that is so dear to Me.
Beloved children, this evening I pray with you and for you, I pray for all your intentions and for all those who have entrusted themselves to your prayers.
My children, also this evening I say to you with love, convert, do not waste any more time. Unfortunately, with much sorrow and regret I tell you once again, "Hard times await you." With this, I do not want to frighten you, but I only want to prepare you. I love you and am beside each child who calls upon Me.
Children, My heart is torn with sorrow to see so many praying only with their mouths and not with their hearts. Please children, open your hearts to Me, grasp My hands and let us walk together.
The prince of this world wants to destroy all that is good, but you do not fear. When you are tired and your strength begins to fail, run to My Son Jesus. He is present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. He is there waiting for you silently. Kneel down before Him and love Him.
Love Him with all your strength and with all your heart. His is throbbing with love day and night for each of you.
Then Mama asked me to pray for our local church and for the universal church.
Finally She blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.