Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, March 25, 2022

Prayer from Jesus to Mary

Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy



Mary, My sweetest Mother, infinite beauty of Love,

splendor of Grace, warmth for every heart,

you are My sweet delight of love!

I am Your Son, Your Jesus!

That little child that You carried in Your womb to present Him to the world

that the world might have salvation and eternal life in Me.

Sweetest Bride of the Holy Spirit,

bless Your children in Me, lift them up to Me

that I await them to raise them up in Me to new and eternal life.

Blessed are You among all women!

And beloved are You by Your Heavenly Father!

Live in the Immensity of His All

and provide for everything He asks of You.

You are the Blessed One for Wisdom and Intelligence,

You are Love, You are the Living Star, the Radiant Morning.

Your Presence, O Mary, is over all the Earth!

Every living person knows Your Holy Name,

and worships You as the Mother of Your Lord.

Have goodness today

to welcome in Your womb My children,

unite them with You,

that they may find the Beauty that is in You

that they may have eternal life in Me!

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My children, please Mary, love Her with all your heart, place all your sorrows in Her, everything that brings you pain offer it to Her, and she will benefit from suffering and you will be happy!

Belonging to God Love, King of the Universe, grow in wisdom and love. God is with you, do not be afraid of anything, fight Satan by being faithful to Mary for Jesus and you will be victorious in Me.

Climb, now, the way to Calvary, soon you will find the Glorious Cross and you will be in His Triumph!

I bless you and I embrace you,

your Jesus with Mary your heavenly Mother!

Carbonia: February 11, 2017

Book VI - page 370


Source: ➥