Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, March 11, 2022

Your God Asks You for Conversion, Prayer and Fasting

Message from God The Fater to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 08.03.2022

Jesus with all His children, ... His beloved ones.

Heaven asks for love and charity, wake up, O men!

Oh you who are prey to the things of the world, stop, discern, your God asks you conversion, prayer and fasting.

I am the One, the Only and True God, I am the One who I am, the One who created everything. I am Eternal Love and I am your Father, your God-Love, the Creator.

Today, in this time of infinite misery, I am sending to the world My call for conversion. Return to Me, My children, do not be afraid of Me, I am the One who loves you infinitely and will forgive you every sin if you truly have repentance in your heart and an ardent desire for Me.

My expectation of you is great, O men, My ordeal has been great! My beloved ones, do not allow Satan to deface your hearts, return to Me because I am the One who will satisfy you with every good thing.

Darkness already envelops the whole Earth, Heaven is calling its children back to itself. Convert, O men, convert! Embrace the Holy Gospel, unite in Cenacles of Prayer and ask for My early return. Unite in one heart, one soul! Beloved children, be one in the Father who loves you so much and waits for you to come to Himself.

I will plunge Satan into Hell and you will never again have torment and pain, truly I tell you that you will soon be with Me in Paradise, oh you who are waiting for Me in faithfulness and love.

I place My Chalice upon you My children and unite you with Me:

Let us celebrate the new life together!

Let us psalm our joy!

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the true Food, your salvation! Show your gratitude to Him, O men, give Him your all with true love.

The Tuscan archipelago will tremble!

The earth will open up!

Volcanoes will ignite and columns of smoke will rise upward.

I warn you, O men: the time is over, great sadness and pain will come upon you if you have not put the Shield in you.

I want to bless My people, I want to raise them up to Me, I want to save this Humanity, ... listen to Me, all people, listen to the cry of a father who calls His children back to the straight path.

The Rod of God the Father will snap on the skin of the traitors, they will be put in a condition of punishment: ... they have abused My little ones, they have killed their brothers, they have highlighted the Evil and erased the Good.

Enough! The weather, you already see it, is changing, it does not promise anything good.

Pray, O men, pray, return to Life so that Life may welcome you in Itself.



Source: ➥