Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Adoration Chapel
The Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God

Hello dearest Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I praise You, adore You, worship You and love You, my God and my King. (Personal dialogue omitted.)
Jesus, I am very grateful to be here with You again. My soul needed and longed to be here with You. I wish (name withheld) could be here also, but everything is off schedule this weekend, or perhaps just a different schedule. Lord, I want to be open to Your Will. I want to be so closely united to Your Will that my heart doesn’t hesitate for one moment, and yet, I am not in this place. There is still a feeling that wells up within me when I find I am in a difficult or challenging place. I cannot articulate my thoughts well right now but I see before me a very steep hill that I must climb. I realize I don’t have to climb it, but not to do so is not an option in my will. In my will I see that You are standing at the top and You beckon me. However, I look at the steep incline, the thorny path, the briars all around me, my weak body, the hot sun, and the fact that I did not bring any food or water with me and I realize this will be a most difficult, if not an impossible task. I want to change my mind and remain standing here, or perhaps to return to a more comfortable, cool place that has flat ground, shade trees, streams and friends to comfort and console me. However, You are not on that easy path beckoning me to come. You are on top of the very steep hill. I can only go where my Lord and Savior invites me to go and so I must. Jesus, I do not see the way to do this. I know I have no strength on my own. I have no sustenance, and at this point, no companions on this particular journey and yet I must go. I will trust You to provide for me in this desert time. I will trust You to renew my strength when my energy fails. I will trust You to provide a Simon to help carry my cross. I will trust You to be the refreshing, life giving water and the bread of life to nourish me. Lord, it will still not be easy. I will probably scrape my knees and cut myself on the thorny bushes, but for me there is no other way. I long to see You when I reach the top of this hill, to embrace You and sense Your heavenly peace. You are my God, my Lord, my Adorable Jesus. And so, there is no other way. I will follow You. I will climb, trusting that if I but take the first step, You will enable each future step. You are my strength. You are my refuge, my hope. I praise You and I thank You, Lord. Help me. Remain with me and the journey will be one of great joy. Thank You, my sweet, merciful Savior. Praise You, my Lord and my God.
“Thank You my child for giving Me your ‘yes’. Do not be concerned that you will not be able to climb. I do not set My children up for failure. If I invite you to climb a new hill, no matter how steep, I will provide the necessary means to climb. Saying ‘yes’ to Me, to the difficult thing I ask of you is the first step. I will provide all that is needed. I Will to give you the grace needed to climb and in fact your ‘yes’ was all that was needed for you to open yourself to the grace. My child, My child, My little one, do not be afraid for I am with you. I will never leave you. I never abandon My children and I will not abandon you. My little lamb too often My children refuse to do that which is difficult. They would much prefer the simple, easy road; one with many comforts and pleasures. This easy road does nothing to improve one’s soul. It does not lead to union with God but to complacency, laziness and sloth. Often it leads to more sinful behaviors. Rejoice that you choose the difficult path, which is the narrow road. You must walk this road now that you have begun. I have stationed people along the way who will encourage you and give you rest. You do not know where these beautiful souls are waiting for you along the way, but just when you find the way most difficult and seemingly impossible, you will be surprised to meet these souls. You will be refreshed, encouraged and will have a renewed sense of energy. Do not be concerned My child for I am a loving, merciful God. I am the perfect Father and I care for My children. I love you. Be of good cheer. Let us begin so that I can shower My goodness upon you. I will refresh your soul, My child. Do you not have more hope now than previously?”
Yes, Lord. I do have more hope. I have the security knowing that You are with me. That is all that I need because in You is a faithful friend, a merciful Savior, a completely perfect, all powerful, all knowing and all present God, the One True God, Creator of all. I am small and weak, Lord and of course You will carry me. Thank You, Lord. Help me to continue to trust in You even when (especially when) I am tired and the way appears to be too difficult.
“My child, My child. Trust Me in all things. Believe in Me, hope in Me and all will be well for I am your Lord and your God and I will never leave you to face your trials alone. My daughter, I know each and every intention held closely in your heart and I assure you these intentions are precious to Me for they are holy intentions. Trust in Me and by your faith and trust in God, you will be overjoyed at My work. You will rejoice in My goodness and mercy. We are friends, you and I and we walk together, My little lamb.”
Jesus, please give me joy and love. Open my heart to love You, Jesus. Open my heart so You can fill these small chambers with the fiery light of Your holy and pure love. Give me a heart of service as a result of Your inferno of love. Lift me, Jesus to fly as high as an eagle as (name withheld) told me. St. John, please pray for me. I do not know what it means, Lord. Show me the way, Lord. Give me Your hand and the pure hand of Your Holy Mother Mary and lead me on the way. Your way, Jesus. The only way for me. Lord, please rescue those in my family, my friends and the whole world who need You. Bring them to Yourself, Lord God. Open their hearts to the love. Heal them. Make their spirits and their hearts new again for You make all things new. Praise You and thank You Lord. Comfort those who are grieving and those who are concerned. Help them, Lord. If there is anything You want me to do, Jesus, lead me, show me, use me. I love You, Lord. Help me to love You more and more. Thank You, my Adorable Jesus. I love You!
“And I love you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in my name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Go in My love. Go in My mercy and be mercy to others. All will be well. Let us begin.”
Amen. Alleluia, Lord!
Source: ➥