Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 6, 2015
You are the generation that will "see heaven come down to earth"!
- Message No. 869 -

My daughter, My daughter so beloved by Me. Please tell the children of the world the following today: I, your Jesus, died on the cross for you -each one of you. Without this great sacrifice, your return home (to the Father) would not have been possible, because the sin that dominates your world today, as it did then, is great, and now that sin is greater than ever, I will complete My work -the work of redemption-.
My Second Coming is imminent, and you will all experience it, for it will come to the generation now living, and all of you will "reap" the New Kingdom, for it will come down to your earth, and the promises will come true for you!
It will not be long before this great day comes, but, in order to experience it, you must prepare yourselves, for without preparation you will not be worthy of the promises!
My children. My children so beloved by Me. Of course, there will still be people until this day who "end" their life here, i.e. they "die" in your language, although it is the transition into eternity.
These people must also be prepared and even more than ever before, because purgatory will soon no longer exist as such, and they must be ready and pure in order to be able to "resurrect".
All the rest of you must be ready for Me! I Am your Savior, your "key" to the New World, the Paradise that is perfect and more glorious than anything you have ever been able to imagine.
My children. Prepare yourselves so that you do not perish in the chastisements of the Father! A soul that is not prepared will perish, for the wrath of My Father will strike it, and forever it will be lost!
My children. Learn the prayer No.32 (deliverance prayer). It will be your very last chance not to be lost if you lose your life "impure"! Pray it for yourselves and your loved ones, because it has the power to save every soul that is (still) in the throes of death and prays it or is prayed for!
I am a merciful God, and still the hour of mercy strikes. Soon it will give way to righteousness, and woe to him who has not found Me, woe to him who has not established himself in Me, his Jesus, for evil times are at hand, and the lie will be great and your error greater than ever, and that, My beloved children, may cost you eternity!
You are the generation that "sees heaven come down on earth", you are chosen to be allowed to live in the so gloriously perfect New World! Become worthy to receive this gift, for he who is impure and indulges in sin will not attain My New Kingdom!
So convert, purify yourselves, repent, confess, repent! Only through repentance can your sins be forgiven, My children, and only those who carry humility in their hearts will truly come to know Me!
So pray now, My children, and consolidate yourselves in Me. I, your loving Jesus, hear every supplication of yours. So ask Me, and I will be there.
Beg forgiveness to Me, for I may still forgive your sins. As soon as mercy gives way to justice, there will be no more mercy.
So come now, My beloved children, and confess to Me! My work of redemption is almost accomplished, and you are chosen to receive it. Amen.
I love you. What you do not understand, hand over to the Holy Spirit with the request for clarity. HE will help you, but you must pray DAILY to HIM. Amen.
With love, your loving Jesus.
Son of the Almighty and Savior of the world.
Soon it will be accomplished, so now be ready for Me. Your Jesus.
The revelations We give you are true. Write them down. Amen.
Go now.
Source: ➥