Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, April 18, 2014
Hour of death
- Message No. 524 -

- Good Friday My Child. Please tell Our children the following today: The planned war is about to break out. When it does, it will spread all over your world within a very short time.
My children. You must not allow this to happen! Pray, My children, pray, for it is your ALL prayer that can stop this war, even hold it off, but YOU MUST PRAY, My faithful followers, for the abominations that the evil one is planning will affect you all!
My children. Today, on Holy Good Friday in My hour of death, I ask you for fervent prayer AGAINST THIS WAR! Pray for peace in the hearts of all God's children and pray for peace in your world!
Unite with the saints in prayer, that is, ask them to intercede at the Throne of God for peace in the hearts of His children and in the world, in your countries, in your families!
Use prayer to keep peace, and do not let the Antichrist -"inspired and guided" by the devil-carry out his aims!
I love you, My beloved flock of children, and desire that you follow My request.
In deep love, your Jesus, who loves you so much, and My Holy Mother Mary, who prays with you for peace in the hearts of the children of men and in your world. Amen.
Thank you, My daughter. Go now. Amen
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