Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Whoever lives with My Son, the Lord is pleased with him!
- Message No. 363 -

My daughter. Now you are back again. Thank you for coming, My child. It is such a great joy to have you here again in this wonderful holy place that you love so much. My child. Everything will be fine. Never worry about anything. Let everything go in peace, and you too reflect on this wonderful time, because the Lord was born to you 2000 years ago, and it is HE who fills your hearts, it is HE who fills you with His love, it is HE who gave Himself for you, and it is HE who will now very soon deliver you from all the suffering and misfortune of your present time. My child. Tell this to Our children worldwide and tell them that the mercy of My Son forgives every sin! But they must not be blasphemous, for this is the sin for which there is no forgiveness. But, My so beloved children, do not be afraid, for few of you are guilty of this sin. So come into My arms and let us go together to My Son. His love will heal you, His mercy will forgive you! With HIM you may be again completely child, because it is HIM who keeps you safe, it is HIM who guides you, it is HIM who leads you and teaches you, and it is HIM who will take care of all of you, as soon as you have given HIM your YES to it.
My children. My so beloved children. Get involved with My Son, and beautiful and happy will be your days here on earth. The kingdom of heaven you will attain, for whoever lives with My Son, in him the LORD is pleased.
My children. So now, all of you, come and give your YES to Jesus. Wait no longer and give yourselves completely to His goodness. Feel His almighty love and His all-forgiving mercy. Accept it and find your way to the Lord again, because the Father is waiting for you, with His arms open, lovingly stretched out to you, and His tears, which HE cries for every lost child, turn into tears of joy as soon as a child confesses Jesus.
What are you waiting for? Turn around and come back to the Lord! He who gives you everything, even His own "flesh and blood". I love you. Come back to the Lord!
Your loving Mother in Heaven and the Angel of the Lord. Amen.
Source: ➥