Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Our Lord is being expelled, and you are letting it happen!
- Message No. 336 -

Everyone is very sad today, "Jesus is being driven out more and more." Come into My arms and be comforted in these times.
My child. If you knew how bad your world already is, you would only weep, those of you who have a loving heart.
Therefore, all of you turn back and come to the Lord, for only those who live with HIM will be saved.
The devil is taking over more and more souls, and many children do not even realize it. Your only salvation is the Lord, therefore turn back and give your YES to Jesus, so that your soul will be saved from hell and you can enter the New Glory of the Lord.
I love you. Your Bonaventure. Amen.
"Our Lord is cast out, and you let it happen. Therefore, you see Us sad and full of sorrow and grief for you, My children, because We love you very much. Turn back! Come to the Lord, and all will be well (for you and your soul). Thank You.
My child. Tell Our children they must keep Jesus in their hearts. Tell them that, please. Thank you, My child. Sant Josep de Calassenç."
"The Lord is being taken from you, and you do nothing about it.Tell Our priests, this is not the way to do it. They sin against the Lord if they don't stand up and stop against it. Tell them this, My child. Thank you. Your Saint Bonaventure."
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