Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Monday, September 23, 2013

Be grateful in your hearts, then this source will remain as a Holy Spring!

- Message No. 284 -


My child. Write. I, your Holy Marina, want to instruct you and all the children today, because you have forgotten Me -My work among you- and do not give Me the honor that is due to Me, as your intercessor in Heaven.

Many come to Me, here, in My Holy Place, but they do not honor Me. They fill themselves with water, My Holy Water, and do not thank Me.

My children. You must pay your respects to Me and to all the saints! I gave you this water, which is Holy, so that it will be well with you. It will give you (wholesomeness), and it can heal you!

I, your Holy Marina, thus take care of each one of you who comes here and seeks My water. But you must come with respect and gratitude in your heart, because this water is a gift from Heaven to you!

By the grace of Our Lord, God Most High, I was allowed to make this water flow and endow it with healing powers. But, children, you must believe, because without faith it is ordinary spring water. Without faith it will not heal you. Without faith, you will not be healed by My water, which is holy.

Therefore, My children, believe and trust, and show Me respect, reverence and thanksgiving, for the grace is great that the Lord works through Me, His Holy Servant, and your respect, reverence and thanksgiving is thus shown through Me, your Holy Marina, Our Lord, the Reverent Father and Creator of all being. So be grateful in your hearts and show Me the honor of your visit and your prayer, then this spring will remain as a Holy Spring and My miracles, which I may work on you by the grace of the Lord, will continue. So be it. Your Holy Marina "Amen, I say this to you:

Our servant speaks the true word. So give thanks and reverence to the one who gives you miracles, for She stands in the grace of the Lord and will heal you. But you must believe and trust and pray to Her. Then, My dear children, She will be able to work Her miracles on you. So be it.

Your loving Jesus."

"My child. Make this known, so that people everywhere may again show their respect and gratitude, for it is a grace to receive such a water, and it is a grace that the saints are with you.

Their miracles are graces from the Lord. Accept them for what they are, and never take them for granted, for no gift from the Lord can be taken for granted, but is a great grace to the one who receives it.

So conduct yourselves respectfully, reverently and gratefully. Then, My dear children, these special and blessed waters will continue to flow as graces and have special efficacy for those of you who are in the faith. Amen.

Your Jesus."

Source: ➥