Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, September 1, 2013
But he who does not honor the Father will belong to the beast forever.
- Message No. 255 -

My child. My dear child. Beautiful will be the world of Our Lord. Believe and trust. There is nothing you know in this world that can equal or even come close to what God, Our Lord and Father, has in store for you.
My children, purify yourselves! Go to confession! Seek out your Holy Masses while they still officially exist! For soon the evil one who is pretending to you will reveal his true face, and then Our faithful servants and children will suffer. You will be persecuted and mocked, outcast and ridiculed! You will be accused of heresy and other "dark" abominations, and they will distort the truth, your truth, so that you will be condemned and punished.
The consecrated servants of My Son, if they remain faithful to HIM, the only true Son of God, will be excommunicated, and all those who do not follow the evil one and his imposed "laws", restrictive and unjust to you, will be persecuted and tortured. You will suffer, but you will be able to bear it, because with this your last suffering you run into My Son's holy arms!
This time will not last long, this is promised to you by your Father, whose hand will fall down. The good ones, that is you, My dear, faithful children, will be lifted up and gloriously enter the New World, the New Jerusalem. The rest of you will be wiped away; in one fell swoop you will all fall victim to the lake of fire, and there you will blaze and stew forever. Your torment will be immense, and never will it cease, for you have rejected the Father, yet paid homage to the beast, and so now live forever with him who is the root of horror and darkness.
Whoever does not repent now will also be swept away when the pull of the lake of fire becomes stronger and stronger, and you will stand before a closed door to the New Jerusalem. For only he who is pure and faithful will be given the grace of entrance into that glory. But he who does not honor the Father will belong to the beast forever.
So now turn back, My beloved flock of children, and pray, pray, pray! More than ever you must pray Our prayers, for only in this way will the worst be taken from you and the evil plan of the devil, through antichrist, hypocrite (false prophet) and evil group (devoted devil worshippers of a certain blood connection!) be stopped.
Pray, repent, sacrifice and honor the Lord. In this way you can save your souls and many more and avert the greatest evil that is yet to come. Pray, My children, pray. And everything will be well for you. This We promise. I thank you from the depths of My Sacred Mother's Heart.
With deep love and affection.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: If you do not pray, do not sacrifice, and are not good, then bad times will befall you.
If you daydream, do not change and do not convert, in the end the devil will take possession of your soul.
If you remain deaf, blind and wordless, the situation of your world will become more and more terrible.
If you do not accept and follow anything that We tell you in these holy messages, your world, and you with it, will perish most terribly.
You will be slaves of Satan, because the Antichrist is among you, and he is the spirit of evil!
You will experience torture and suffering, and great injustice will come upon you, for the hypocrite is allied with the beast and his son!
Only he who comes to Me will also find the Father, and mercy will come upon you and your loved ones. You will be cleansed, purified and elevated, and Eternal Life will be given to you by Our side. So be it. Turn back, for soon it will be too late.
Your loving Jesus and God the Father, who loves you so much. Amen." Thank you, My daughter. I love you. Amen.
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