Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Very soon the heavens will open and the signs will be on the horizon for all to see
- Message No. 95 -

My child. My dear child. We know how difficult it is for Our children to withstand the present times, so We are there for you to help you, guide you and strengthen you.
A great deal of burden is now placed on all God's children. Anything you cannot carry, give it to My Son. He will hand it over to God the Father, wrap you in love and give you confidence. Whoever lives with My Son will have an easier time, because the chaos of your world does not bring anything good for Our children.
Always remain faithful to My Son and always turn to HIM, so HE can intervene where help is needed and comfort you when you are sad. He will take care of all His children and give you eternal peace. Love Him, My children, and your joy will be great. Never be afraid, and entrust yourselves to HIM, then the promises will come true and HIS Kingdom will be safe for you.
Come, My beloved children, come! Soon, very soon, the heavens will open and the signs will be on the horizon for all to see, and My Son will come as it is written, high in the sky with all the signs, and everyone will see HIM, but only those who truly love HIM will meet that day with joy.
My children. Stand up and reach out to Jesus! Give Him your YES and be faithful to Him! Then, My beloved children, there will be great joy for you too when My Son comes and puts an end to evil.
Rejoice, for salvation is at hand. Accept all the graces that My Son wants to give you now, and prepare for a wonderful time when evil is destroyed and love and peace take its place forever. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child. I know how tired you are. Thank you.
Source: ➥