Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Only with My Son will you come to rest.
- Message No. 33 -

My child, My dear child. We are always with you. Your messages, Our Word, are needed to prepare as many souls as possible for the times ahead. You are Our child, chosen to transmit Our Word to humanity.
My child. Many souls still need to be saved. That is why the spreading of Our Word is so extremely important. You (all) do well to hear Us and believe the authenticity of Our messages. Through them We prepare you, and through them We awaken many souls.
My Son Jesus, your Savior, is there for you, and He has His mercy ready for every soul. Open yourselves (to Him), My beloved children, so that you too may find the peace and joy for which your soul longs so much. For only with Him, My Son, will you come to rest.
There is nothing in your world that could ever give you fulfillment. Only through My Son, your Savior, will you know fulfillment, only with Him will you feel safe and secure, only through Him will you experience the true and genuine joy your soul needs to be healthy.
Dear children, do not wait any longer. Turn back. Come to Jesus, your Jesus. With open arms He awaits you, ready to gift you with graces and love. Arise for Him and love Him, for then you can be saved and your soul can live on in eternal peace and great joy at His side. Come now, My beloved children. Let no more time pass. Decide now! We love you very much, and rejoice over each and every soul that finds its way to Us.
Thank you, My beloved children, for responding to Our call.
Your loving Mother in Heaven and Jesus, who gave His consent.
My children, pray to Us: Prayer No. 8 - Prayer for assistance for right action.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us at the throne of God for the grace to know and do what is right. Ask that we may stand firm and reject all lies. Ask for strength for us so that we do not stray from the path that leads us to Your Son, Jesus Christ, to enter paradise together with Him. Amen.
I will help everyone who says this prayer. Even those for whom it is said. This I promise. Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥