Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, November 7, 2016
Special Message from Our Lady to Her Beloved Son Carlos Tadeu

Marcos, my dear angel, write this Message for my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus:
Beloved son Carlos Tadeu, today, on the monthly anniversary of my apparitions here I come again to bless you and to tell you that I am very happy with you! You are bringing many of my children closer to my Immaculate Heart; souls are growing in prayer and love for me, so my Heart is happy! I am proud of you and happy for the fruits that are already beginning to appear in My vineyard in Ibitira.
My Son, go ahead without fear because I will do even more. I still have many lands to conquer, that is, many souls where to plant My seeds and make them bear much fruit of holiness. You are my faithful servant to whom I entrusted the mission of cultivating these lands together with my son Marcos and transforming them from dry and barren lands into green and extremely productive vineyards into fruits of holiness for the glory of God, the triumph of my Heart and the salvation of souls.
Go ahead planting My seeds and don't mind if on some land they produce nothing. They are like the barren fig tree of the gospel that My Son Jesus cursed for producing fruit, and just like it, these souls will be cursed by My Son Jesus too and will be thrown into the fire where they will burn forever.
You are growing in my love, and for it to grow even more I want you to pray every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday the Rosary of my Flame of Love, for through it I will grant you many graces from my Immaculate Heart.
Be aware, dear son of mine, that last Tuesday my Divine Son Jesus wanted to punish three cities of Bahia for his crimes and sins and did not do it for love of you. Rejoice because your Rosaries, Rosaries, and prayer Cenacles removed a great punishment from these cities and My Son Jesus decided to give more time for the conversion of the souls in these cities.
Forward! I want you to continue with the prayer cenacles and in the month of December you will talk about my apparitions in Lourdes, the life of my little daughter Bernadette and my little daughter Luzia. Show My children all that I did in Lourdes, My great love and affection for them, and the examples of love, obedience, and courage of My daughters Bernadette and Luzia so that they will imitate their love and obedience and be more inflamed by My Flame of Love.
I love My children so much and I want to show them everything I feel for them. And the best way to do this are My apparitions. That is why I appear giving My Messages of Love here. Show them my love in my apparitions and you will give a supreme joy to my heart and you will have a great award in heaven.
Continue loving My son Marcos with My Flame of love and always united with him so I will continue to work in you both and accomplish My plan of love for the salvation of many, many souls.
I am with you always and I see everything that happens to you. Pray, trust and wait. I will act and make great graces in your life and all your suffering will be converted into blessings for you.
On this day chosen by Me and so loved by my Immaculate Heart, I bless you with the love of Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".