Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, December 25, 1998
Chapel of Apparitions - at 10:30 pm
Apparition of Our Lady and Saint Bernadette

(Our Lady was all in white)
(Our Lady) "- Praised Be Our Lord Jesus Christ!"
(Marcos) "- Forever Be Praised!"
(Our Lady)"-As I had promised you yesterday, here is Saint Bernadette!"
(Observation - Marcos): (Our Lady looked to Her left, and a torch of Light went on and a Great Golden Door appeared, which opened in two parts, and from inside the Door comes out Saint Bernadette.
She was wearing a white dress, blue sash, rosary tied to the sash, and a garland of white roses which were also around Her Feet. As she approached Our Lady she said to me:)
(Saint Bernadette)"- Praised be Jesus and Mary!"
(Marcos)"- Forever be praised!"
(Our Lady)"- GOD has commissioned Saint Bernadette to deliver you today and speak to you about some things."
(Observation - Marcos): (Saint Bernadette spoke to me some things, she also communicated to me other very important things about GOD's Plans.
Those parts that could already be published from this dialogue, have been omitted in this edition, for reasons of caution and prudence. After the TRIUMPH of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, they will be published)
(Saint Bernadette)"-Tell people that I am the Protectress of all those who love and who become servants or slaves of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
I am the Saint that GOD has entrusted in Heaven to protect all those who are obedient servants and slaves to the Blessed Virgin, and who above all, spread Her Requests. Put Me in front of everything you wish to do, and I will help you with My intercession.
Tell everyone that I am always there, on the Mount, and that I am always here, in this Chapel, and that when any of them want to attain any Grace by My Intercession, come here, or that they go to the Mount, and then, praying, they will feel My presence, and if it is the Will of the Lord, I will attain the Graces they want. for I am always here, in this Chapel, and I am always on the Mount, praying for you."
(Observation - Marcos): (Saint Bernadette told me that She is the Saint chosen by GOD to be my Protector, and she said that the seers who lived in other times and who have already died, received from GOD the Mission to protect the seers of today, who suffer the same sufferings that They suffered years ago.
And the seer, the Saint, that GOD chose to protect me was She, Saint Bernadette! I was so happy about that and I smiled, it was a joy that flooded my heart, that I have no words to describe what I felt while Saint Bernadette was telling me.
Saint Bernadette went on saying several things that GOD wanted from me, and she also taught me a prayer that I must repeat until I memorize it, but it is just for me)
(Our Lady)"- Know, My dear child, that of all the saints who have ever lived on this earth, no one has loved Me as much as My little daughter Bernadette.
Yes, even much more than the Saints who have written or preached about Me, because She was simple, She was gentle, She was humble. and even though She was poor, and even though She was very tiny and weak, but. in Her Heart, there was a great LOVE for Me. so great, that it surpassed that of all the other Saints who have ever passed through this world.
And that is why Your Intercession to My Immaculate Heart is as it were for Me, more than a Request. an Order.
I implore you, then, in your prayers, to invoke the intercession of My Little Daughter Bernadette. And this is what I desire of you: - humility, obedience, readiness, prayer, like that of this child.
I desire that you be other saints like her, in today's world."
(Marcos):"-But there were so many Saints who are even better known, and why is she the Saint who loved the Lady the most?"
(Our Lady)"- Because GOD wanted it that way. Bernadette is for everyone the model for those who want to love Me. If you truly want to love Me, copy Her examples, and then you will love Me!"
(Note - Marcos): (I asked St. Bernadette if She wanted anything else from Me).
(St. Bernadette)"-I desire that here in this Chapel, there be an Image of Me, so that the faithful may become accustomed to ask for My prayer of intercession."
(Marcos):"-Can it be a painting?"
(Saint Bernadette)"-Yes, it can be a picture. Let everyone see Me in this Chapel, present, and ask for My Intercession, and you will not leave here disappointed!"
(Note - Marcos): (I promised Her that I would do so. Our Lady still conversed with me at length.
Then Saint Bernadette invited me to pray and to greet Our Lady. It was then that Saint Bernadette came very close to me, and while we were praying, I saw a large ring come out of Her Chest, and I saw another ring come out of my chest as well, and those two rings remained one behind the other, aligned, while we prayed together to Our Lady, so that it gave the impression of being one.
I understood that the Grace that happened with Saint Bernadette in Lourdes and what happens to me in Jacareí is similar, that is, these two Apparitions are intimately related to each other.
Those two rings disappeared. Our Lady told me some more things. I asked Saint Bernadette if next year I would see Her again. She said:)
(Saint Bernadette)"-No. What GOD wanted from Me with regard to you has already been done in these previous years. You will no longer see Me here, but know that I will always be over you, protecting you with My Prayer."
(Note - Marcos): (After Our Lady blessed us, St. Bernadette and me, She took St. Bernadette's right Hand.
Our Lady then held out Her right Hand that was loose, and St. Bernadette held out Her left Hand, and they prayed over us.
Our Lady ended that prayer by making the Sign of the Cross. They smiled at us and began to rise)