Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 2, 1997
Message of Our Lady

My dear children, thank you for being gathered in this warmth, doing penance and offering to Me. I need you.
Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit. He wants to heal all the wounds that are inside your hearts, and pour out all the Graces that I come to bring with Him, but. you are blocking them because of your hard hearts.
My children, give all your difficulties, anguish and problems to Me, because I am His Mother, and I will take care of all of you.
Dear young people, I need all of you. I want you to form groups and spread My Messages in the cities, at business points, on buses and in every possible place.
Time is running out, and I need you. I need more children for my Immaculate Heart. There are still many of My children who have never heard of My Messages.
I leave my peace, and a kiss in each heart. I love all of you. I count on you".