Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 1, 1997
Message of Our Lady

My dear children, thank you for your presence. My beloved ones, I ask all of you to pray more this month, because in him the tribulations will increase more and more.
The enemy is very angry, because his end is near. so now he will try to attack the people who pray little.
My children, do not go to sleep before praying at least one Rosary. It is His Mother who asks you, children. pray! pray! pray! Only prayer can protect families, and all of you.
I want you to pray the Rosary with love and with your heart. not that Rosary prayed quickly. Prayer prayed quickly is worthless, children. Can't you, children, leave some of your time to pray to Me for your salvation?
Now children, those who do not pray will fall into the hands of the enemy, and I cannot do anything.
Now we are reaching the final stage. Pray, My children, and spread My Messages as quickly as possible, please!
I love you all, and I leave my peace".