Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, September 29, 1997
Message of Our Lady

(Saturday - Cenacle on the Mount)
"- Beloved and dear children, when I say: union and love, I tell you to love one another, but first love GOD above all things, love Jesus!
Give your lives with all your strength, with all your mind, with your heart and with all your being! Give yourselves to GOD! HE IS THE ONLY SAVER! He loves you so much, that's why He gave YOUR LIFE on the Cross for you.
You don't understand LOVE, children! You have to surrender yourself. Open your hearts! If you don't love GOD, you can't love your brothers and sisters! Love GOD first, above all things!
Ask the Holy Spirit of GOD for understanding! Ask for strength! Ask for the Grace of GOD to open your hearts so you will understand the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the LOVE of GOD, and you will live happily and find eternal happiness!
Seek with all the strength of your hearts what I tell you! If you do not seek what I ask, then you will not be able to feel the LOVE of GOD! You cannot be happy because you must first seek GOD over all things. Then you can love your brothers in perfect Charity, united to Jesus!
Glory be to GOD for this rain, children, because this rain is GOD's blessing! Do not fear anything. Do not fear what the enemy who wants to get in your way!
GOD is Greater!
GOD is Strong!
It is the Beginning and the End!
Trust! Trust! I am your Mother! Know that I can annihilate the serpent right now!
Trust! If you have no Faith, how can you move mountains? If you don't have Faith and love, how can you(.)? Trust!
I love you very much, and I thank you for your penance!
Beloved and dear children, I am very happy that you are here today! May My ALEGRIA be your joy! May My LOVE be your love! May My Peace be your peace!
As I told you before, you are not here by chance, I called you myself! You are precious to Me!
The importance of the Rosary is so great, and you already experience this, you know this, and you know where to look for Me: - through prayer!
GOD opens Heaven to sanctify you, to give you many graces, not only to you and your families, but to the whole world: - to the souls who have no hope, who need GOD very much; to the souls who live for the world, as well as those in Purgatory, children!
I, with My Eyes, see all of this. how sad it saddens Me! And you are like balm to my Heart! I rejoice because you fulfill my request! They are few. They are few. But they are precious to Me!
Jesus also rejoices for all of you!
Many do not understand My call, but believe Me, children! Trust in Me! I am always present with you!
I am your Mother. the Mother who cares, who blesses, who cares for you, every day! Even in the silence of your hearts, children, even in your difficulties, I understand you all well.
I search all hearts, I know your needs. I know everything about your lives, children! And every pain that passes, I turn into prayer to GOD for your own conversion, of your families and of humanity!
Do not give in to despair or lack of hope!
Trust! Persevere in the Faith! Love very much! Love very much, children!
You gave me a proof of love today! Thank you very much, children!"