Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, May 22, 1999
Saturday, May 22, 1999
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, Divine Love, born Incarnate. I have come to explain to you the fullness of My call, which is self-surrender. Without your surrender I cannot achieve in you My goal and your salvation. Surrender means that you must give up or relinquish something. Self-surrender is My call for you to give up your own will. Your will is directed by whatever is in your heart in the present moment. This is why My call to self-surrender is at once My call to complete submission to Holy Love in the present moment."
"Self-surrender is the key that unlocks the door to My Heart and to Divine Providence. So often you do not see My Provision because you are blinded by what you want. So often what you want is not good for you and will not lead to your salvation."
"My provision, My Divine Will for you, is like a great tapestry that I, the Weaver, begin to weave at your conception. All through your life, I design to put each thread in its place to create the masterpiece of your salvation. When you refuse to surrender to Me, you inasmuch as pull a thread out of place. Then I, the Artist, must redesign the entire tapestry so that it all comes together harmoniously. But when you surrender to Me, the final outcome is much more easily attainable. You see My grace and you cooperate with My provision, My plan. The design is more beautiful because it is My best design."
"Your self-surrender is what moves your feet up the staircase of holiness. Your surrender lets you inhale the sweet fragrance of the bouquet of My grace. Without your surrender you are like a broken tool in the hands of a master carpenter. The carpenter cannot use such a tool, so he sets it aside and searches out a better one. In the same way, I cannot use you to the fullest unless you surrender completely to Me."
"When you surrender, you are telling Me you trust Me to lead you, guide you, provide for you, protect you. I cannot resist such a one. My love completely embraces such a soul and I am united with him. This is why I tell you, your trust is everything. Your trust is your surrender."
Source: ➥