Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, March 24, 2025
The Distress is Intensifying
Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Melanie in Germany from March 8, 2025

As the visionary Melanie sits in the kitchen and looks out of the window, she suddenly sees the Saudi prince (Bin Salman) in her mind’s eye.
At first, all she could see was his face with a fake grin. But at some point he looks directly at the visionary.
Two days earlier, Mary had appeared briefly in daily situations to announce a major change. Afterwards, she stopped for a moment as if in prayer.
Later that day, Mary, the Mother of God, appears to the visionary. Mary's face appears enlarged in front of the visionary. White lilies are spread out in front of the Blessed Mother. She says: "The distress is now intensifying". It feels unpleasant. The energy feels denser as if a scarf is wrapped around one and tightens more and more, making one feel constricted and less able to breathe.
"It's coming soon," Maria warns her flock. For a while, man will find shelter in churches and in buildings that have been erected specifically to provide shelter. It seems to be about persecution of Christians, among other things.
Mary says there will be great tribulation. People will be afraid and this fear will make them controllable. Fear will cause them to do things that are not good for them. Lies will become more prevalent. Even lies related to the body. It will involve implanting something mechanical or technical into the body.
People will be herded together like a flock of sheep. Things will be forced on them if they don't submit. Cruelty will take hold; according to the motto: “Eat or die.” “Die” is to be understood literally here. A tyranny will be established.
Mary warns against anything implanted, against chips or similar devices and against allowing any physical changes. She calls on people to resist this and not to submit. There will be a different form of rule that will prevail in the world at that time. The preparations have already begun. The start of this rule will soon be initiated. We must not be deceived, She warns. For there will be many things that can deceive us.
All possible levers will be set in motion to lead people in the wrong direction. (As an example of such a “lever”, the seer mentions the predicted new pandemic which was prophesied to be artificially created). It will be a reign of lies and destruction.
Mary warns us not to be misled by manipulations of the most serious kind. The power elites seem to be involved in this.
Also “provocations” (or irritation/manipulation of people) through e.g. bombing or wars, the suppression of peace efforts and misleading media and reporting are part of it, She explains. It is built on lies, or at least much of it.
Mary encourages us to be aware of the places of refuge. People will seek refuge so as not to submit when the noose is soon tightened.
It also has to do with a war that will prevail.
Source: ➥