Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Welcome My Call, My Presence, Children of God, in This Irreversible End Times
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on March 19, 2025
Word of Jesus Christ :
"My daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, blessed of God Thrice Holy, carry My Word to all Mine who read and join in Goodness and walk in Truth.
To those who are ready for the meeting so hoped for by many, abide more in prayer, increase your strength and become steadfast so as to support your too-weak brethren.
Prepare to leave your material comforts, accept to leave them behind. You'll be free and ready to enter the new world and in the excitement of participating in the first resurrection.
I come to gather you. You're all equal, but each has his or her own identity; this difference isn't negative. You are brothers in Christ. Together in resistance to evil and with an open heart in what brings you together, your walk will open onto shared Light, Love and joy where everyone will be fulfilled and happy.
I am in your heart the Divine Will that reveals and sustains your Faith, your desire, your perseverance and gives victory. You are sure to reach the goal set since you want to, men of good will. In turn, be models and supporters in the benevolence, tolerance and mercy, which you have already received, for those who, at the beginning of their journey, are discovering and trying to adapt.
In constancy, silent prayer, generous prayer is enough to break down all obstacles, drive out evil and keep the course on the only goal: God Love and Eternal Life.
Come to live in God, you will then be in the revelations of Creation, in the sharing of the Perpetual Gift of Love, Light and Peace.
The struggle, the resistance that persists within you stems from your indecision in the face of the options offered that you don't recognize since you avoid confronting the Truth and the sad reality of a system, almost everywhere, depraved and totalitarian.
Welcome My call, My Presence, children of God, in this irreversible End Time. See this world, in its decay, trying to drag you into severe suffering and lies, aiming to destroy you body and soul. Your difficulty is also the fear of letting go of what you think you understand and control. So you persist in keeping your defilements, your imperfections that give you the impression of having rational control over your life. Yet you can no longer deny the chaos on earth and the fact that you are victims of the lie that persecutes you in every sphere of your life.
Reflect with the help of prayer, even if you don't really know God, or won't admit it, fearing too many constraints and being bullied in your freedom. Pray and discover your heart's quest
I have come to set you free, to redeem you, to deliver you from all evil and to give you peace. Time flies, abandon yourself for a moment in My Divine Will, receive My grace of conversion and that of My Mercy. I love you and I forgive everything to My sincere children who wish to live with Me, who ask so much of you. Immediately, your eyes opened by your prayer, your heart will also open to the Love that heals and saves
Soon I'll be at your door to renew, with each of you, this indestructible link of Life in God. To accept to live in God from now on is to accept to make in Faith the narrow passage (the Passover) of the End Times, supported by My graces, My divine privileges that will lift you to Heaven the time of the earthly debacle. In gladness you will enter the new earth
These times are coming, prepare for them in faith and prayer. Help your brothers to join you, there is so much Love to share. I am always with you and I bless you
Jesus Christ"
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"
Source: ➥