Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, March 21, 2025
Elijah’s Chariot Will Come Down from Heaven. Do Not Be Afraid When You See Him, for It Is He Who Will Come to Free You from the Wicked and Take You to My Heaven of Glory
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on March 14, 2025

THE LORD - The chariot of Elijah¹ that will come to drive the wicked from their thrones, you will see it in the clouds and there will be a great roar. Don't run out or look, for the intense light will be unbearable for your eyes. Don't despair, don't be afraid, even if fear tries to invade your dwellings, but come to Me in the silence of your hearts and pray. Noise will not win! Children of my Heart, remain on guard in prayer. Do not extinguish within yourselves the candle that watches over the new dawn that is to come. Do not fear, do not despair, you know that despair does not come from Heaven! My wrath will roar against all those men who are Mine and who continue on their way in idolatry and the sin of the senses, in their abject morality.
O children of My Sacred Heart, come to the Light, come to Me and gain strength and overcome the many temptations, the temptations of despair, for the road will be rough and painful. Get ready to hear growls and screams from all sides. Get ready and don't be afraid! “Do not be afraid!” Remembering these words, you will return to Me and strength will be given to you. The storm is just a long deadly gasp that stretches out to calm down and disappear. With confidence, follow in My footsteps, come to Me and you will be covered by strength. Children, I am the Wind that blows and the Wind blows where it wills, in the hearts of My children, to bring the Living Water to their hearts. Beloved children, remain confident, I have conquered the world, in My footsteps you will win and in the silence the right path will be shown to you. Vigils and prayers are the only sources of life that will bring you Living Water, and Living Water is the way. Silence and contemplation! Come and place your footsteps in My dwelling, I am waiting for each one of you. Every man who repents of his mistakes, I take with Me on the path of Life, but I expect the truth from everyone.
[Right after]
THE LORD - Elijah's chariot will descend from heaven. Do not be afraid when you see him, for it is he who will come to free you from the wicked and take you to My Heaven of Glory. Children, those who foment war are servants of the Devil and are liars. They come to you disguised as lambs, but within them shines the Devil who lures them and perdition will be with them. Didn't I tell you: “Leave everything and follow Me”? Therefore, let everyone listen to My Word that resounds within them and they will find peace in their hearts, peace of the senses, far from the lures and all the liars who follow the Liar.
[10h15 - During worship]
THE LORD - Beyond the clouds, beyond the borders, I am. Whoever seeks Me finds me and whoever comes to Me will not be lost. Listen to My words and you will be saved; walk with the torch of My Heart in your heart and life, true Life in Me, will open up in you. The One I Am comes to visit His sheep and lead them to the flock of My Divine Heart. The Silk Road is the path of My Word of Life that carries nourishment within you. In the twists and turns of the Earth, man loses his way, but whoever comes to My Sacred Heart finds Life, the Life that I am, and he cannot lose his way. On the path of silence, the way is always marked out, because I am within man and I bring him My Word of Life. True Life cannot be outside of Me, because outside of Me there is no Salvation.
Little one, I taught you that you had to climb the steps² to find Me and I asked you to stop and enter into the contemplation of My radiance. The One I Am, who shines, shines in the heart of man who welcomes Him and man finds the path to Life. Apart from Me you can do nothing and apart from Me there is no Salvation.
Children, I am the tranquil Force that comes to establish My Home in hearts and to provide vital forces to the men of these times. I have said it time and time again: on the path of contemplation man finds the way, and whoever finds it will not have it taken away from him, but will bear fruit. Everyone who comes to Me finds peace. If all men came to Me, there would be no wars, no conflicts and pride would be crushed. Children, I speak to the heart of every man, but few, so few listen to Me and pay attention to Me. Their house is a house of sand because they have not built it on the Rock that I am. They have followed the path away from Mine and are lost and, in losing themselves, they also lose the world, because all men are connected to each other. But I ask you all to be linked and connected to My Word of Truth, for it alone is Life and it alone carries Life. Abundance, in Me you have it. Whoever follows Me walks the path, the right path, will not get lost and, even covered in ashes, will find the way. Do not be afraid, but follow My Word of Life and Life will inhabit your dwellings and you will be enlightened.
O Lord, teach me to pray!
THE LORD - To live in Me is to live in prayer, for whoever walks constantly with Me walks on My path and will not go astray. Children, receive My Word of Life in your hearts and you will live! The One I Am brings you peace. Go and remain in Me and you will be on the path to Salvation. Whoever comes to Me finds life and I will save him on the last day and take him with Me to My courts, so that he may live in the fullness of My Heart and see with his eyes the Light that I am. Children, you will be dazzled and fall on your knees before My Face. This time will come because everyone will be given life in its fullness. Whoever opens their heart to My Word finds life, but whoever closes themselves remains closed. I have left people the choice of whether or not to believe in My Word of Life, I have left everyone freedom, and what is My pain when I see so many who are lost! On the last day, I will resurrect them and their last words will be their liberation or not. I am a Just Judge, who has given freedom to men, and what is My pain at seeing so many of My children lost and condemned!
Children, pain leads to Salvation, I, who transformed pain into Salvation which is the path to resurrection! Don't be afraid, have confidence! I have conquered the world, you too will conquer and you will live with Me and in My Homeland you will be welcomed. Dance to the sound of the trumpet, after it comes Salvation and Salvation is given to every man who carries his fiat. Until the last moment, at the last word, I am waiting for you, do not lose your way, but come and enter into My Light. On the way I guide you and carry My children on My shoulders to free them from evil and raise them to the rank of My Love, mark them with My Most Precious Blood and bless them on their foreheads. Whoever walks with Me cannot lose their way, but walks in the Light of Life. I await each one of you, My children, in the heart of My Heart. I come to free you from the clutches of the Impostor and to bring you My peace. Do not be afraid, with Me you will always be victorious and on My path of Light, which is the Truth, you will live, be and remain.
The times, children, are only passing lightning, but do not listen to the world and come, enter My courts and in My Dwelling place your footsteps. I have marked your foreheads with the seal of My Love, I am the Light that guides you on the path and brings peace to your hearts and liberation to your souls. I am eternal Salvation, the living Source that brings true food and true drink into your hearts. Remain in My Will and you will live. May My Will be yours!
Suddenly I feel a caress on my hand.
THE LORD - My caress! I'm the one who guides your hand over the leaf!
Christine - Is that you, Lord?
THE LORD - If I tell you to kneel and you kneel, then do not be afraid, the Devil, very proud, does not kneel, but remains proud and standing in My Presence, he sneers and looks at Me. Come and follow Me. In your footsteps I place Mine, so I guide you and you cannot get lost.
¹ - 2R 2, 11-12
² - Jesus evokes a dream I had when I was eighteen months old, where I climbed a ladder and arrived in Paradise before Him.