Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Be Rocks of Faith, Rocks of Hope, Rocks of Charity!
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on February 4, 2025

My dear, beloved readers,
Here you are again sitting as in the days of My preaching, sitting around and in front of Me to listen to Me.
You listened attentively to My instructions because I told you all the new things.
It was the religion of the Old Testament, but it was new, it was beautiful, it was fresh, it was the New Testament, the continuity of the Old, but still very different, renewed, lived in a holy way and listened to in a holy way.
Yes, I am God and out of the old I make something truly new, just as out of the old world I make and will make a new one.
Yes, My dear children, the new world to which I will take you is so close!
Compare the Old Testament, My instructions and after My Passion, My Death on the Cross, My Resurrection and immediately you are in the New Testament.
So it will be with the new world that I am preparing for you and which will be your present moment in less time than it takes to say it.
You feel far away from it, but it is close, very close.
But to enter it, you'll have to go through the Passion and the Cross.
And then came the Resurrection, the preparation for the Great Departure, the final instructions and then the Ascension, the visible departure of the Risen Savior to spread throughout the world, and no longer just in Judea, His teachings, His graces, His sacraments and the one faith in the one true God.
My beloved children, believe, there is only one faith, one truth, one God and if you don't adhere to it, you won't enter the new world.
Only those faithful to the one true faith, be they new converts or old devotees, will enter the restored world, so well restored that it can be called a “new world”, but they will all be My faithful ones.
I call them from all sides and the “internet” system, although it has many flaws, allows Me to spread My Word, My messages, to all My faithful all over the Earth.
Yes, the new world is for the whole Earth, from North to South and East to West. All latitudes and longitudes will be reached.
My teaching, My Catholic Church, has been taken everywhere and those who want to come to Me can, My Word has resounded throughout the world. Pray for the fidelity of all in the Catholic Church, which will soon, yes, soon, be seized by the tumult of her passion and her cross.
It will seem to disappear, but it must remain in your heart, in your soul, and the purpose of all My messages is to revive your faith, to refresh it, to invigorate it.
This is My purpose in writing to you so often, just as I have never stopped traveling throughout the land of Israel to bring the Word of God.
I want to strengthen your faith in this way because, when the time of the Passion of the Church arrives - which has already begun - until her death, as I died humanly in very great suffering, I want to strengthen your faith, I say, so that during the void that will separate the time of the death of My Church until her resurrection, it is necessary that, like My Mother, the Most Holy Virgin Mary, you be rocks of Faith, rocks of Hope, rocks of Charity.
During this time of absence of the Church, a time that has already begun because her dissolution has already begun, you must be good children of your Mother, the Holy Church, praying for her in her sickness and always praying for her, simply because she is your Mother and you owe her all your spiritual support.
There will be a time of great mourning, many of My faithful will not understand and will remain inconsolable, but you, having been warned, will understand and redouble your prayer.
I raised Lazarus before I raised Myself, and this proof of My Goodness and My Power should encourage your faith and your certainty, no matter what desolations you will witness.
The new world will be your horizon and you will keep the faith while waiting for this great resurrection which, with the Holy Church, you will all witness, wherever you are, in Heaven or on Earth.
Be devout, be sure of My Omnipotence, of My incredible possibility of recovery, I am never defeated, even when the devil, My implacable enemy, seems to have become master of all things.
I AM and no one is master in My place.
I AM before all creation and I will survive all apparent failures.
Have confidence, have faith, have the certainty of My Victory, I carry you in Me and with Me.
May God be blessed, loved and revered at all times and in all places.
I bless you, I, the Almighty God whose will dominates the universe, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
May it be so.
Your Almighty Redeemer.