Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Be My Worshippers in Spirit and in Truth!
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on January 25, 2025

My dear children, why do I write to you so often?
Simply because I, the Lord, your God, want to be close to you, to your thoughts, to your heart.
Read Me with love as I write to you with love, I love you infinitely and what does the one who loves desire?
To be close to His own, to those He loves, to defend them, to protect them, to love them... and also to receive the reciprocity of His Love.
Yes, My dear children, love Me in spirit and in truth, worship God in spirit and in truth because, as I said to the Samaritan woman, “these are the worshippers as the Father wants them to be.”
God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. ”
(Jn 4:23-24)
The truth doesn't change, it doesn't evolve, it isn't backwards, it 'is' as I 'am'.
My dear children, beware of innovations in religious matters, what I taught during My time on earth is for all times. My teaching is that of God, the Eternal who does not oscillate according to the development of human thought.
What He says once, He says always.
“In spirit and in truth.”
What does “in spirit” mean?
God is Pure Spirit, it is the Holy Spirit who directs My Church, the one I founded on My apostles and which, despite the persecutions and whims of the men who represent it, always preserves the spirit and truth on which it was founded.
My Holy Spirit guides her as he guides every holy man in his world: he guides him along the difficult paths of contradiction, opposition, denial and slander.
When men make mistakes, if they are of good faith, sooner or later they will be led back to the one path of truth; if they are of bad faith, that is, unfaithful to the one truth, let them repent and return, or else they will be lost forever through their own fault and ill will.
If the Holy Church is invaded by the devil who continues to attack her, she may stagger for a while, but she will never be defeated.
This is My promise and I am always faithful, I am the Truth, the Life, and My Church will rise again whenever men, her representatives, try to lead her astray.
My Church is holy despite the weakness of men and if she gives in to the burden errors and lies, just as I fell several times on My Way of the Cross, she will always rise as I rose and saved the world.
My Bride, the Church is living her Way of the Cross and her Passion and is currently plunged into fog, being led as St. Peter foretold “(...) when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, someone else will tie your belt and take you where you don't want to go. “ (Jn 21:18).
St. Peter is the Church, she is its head and like him, today she is being led where she would not like to go.
May this Passion of My Holy Church not disturb you, I Myself was crucified and My Mother, St. John and the holy women kept the faith despite My condemnation, despite My lamentable state, “the object of humanity's contempt and rejection (...) treated terribly, humbled Himself, did not open His mouth” (Is 53:3-12).
Be imitators of my dear neighbors at the foot of the Cross, keep the faith that I, the Lord, have given you.
Entrust yourselves to the Church founded on Peter, but remember My question: “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?” (Lk 18:8).
Yes, many of the faithful have denied Me, France, once the eldest daughter of the Church and of Europe, has forgotten Me or takes Me for a distant, good-natured God who will forgive people all their sins without distinguishing between good and evil.
No, My children, I am not such a God, indifferent to the love or contempt of My creatures, ready to forgive everything, whatever the crime.
I forgive out of Love and if someone asks Me for forgiveness.
This forgiveness is given from an absolutely loving Heart, but very aware of the sincerity and contrition of My child.
I am the Truth, I cannot be content with a false truth, adulterated and given as true.
If the truth changes, it is no longer the truth, it is a lie and it comes from the devil.
Pray, My children, pray sincerely to remain in the Truth or to find it again if you have voluntarily or involuntarily strayed from it.
It is the only one, it does not change with the will of civilizations or human development, and today the devil is attacking you by promoting impurity and lies.
Eve was deceived by the lie and if she seemed deceived, she still adhered to it mortally, leading Adam into this same grave sin.
Don't be deceived by lies, ease, licentiousness and immorality.
Where are My priests who, like Cardinal Pie, this great bishop of Poitiers who in the 19th century grandiosely preached the Authority and Wisdom of Christ the King, King of nations and individuals?
Where are My priests who preach My Law, My Justice and My Authority?
I am not only Merciful, Magnanimous and Savior.
I am that, yes, of course, but I am also the just King, concerned with the order and obedience of My subjects.
I do not suffer the immorality that reigns supreme in society, nor the impiety of which I am the object, nor the ignorance of so many of My children in matters of religion in My Christendom.
Be my worshippers in spirit and in truth, return to me and I ask you to say every day in your prayers the prayer that the Angel taught the little seers of Fatima:
My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You.
I ask your forgiveness for those who do not believe, who do not worship, who do not hope and who do not love you.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
So be it.
Your Lord and your God.