Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Come to Me, I Will Restore You. Do Not Doubt My Forgiveness
Message of Merciful Jesus to Mario D'Ignazio on December 17, 2024

Trust, trust in My Divine Mercy. I am ready to forgive you always, if penitent, contrite, repentant. I AM FORGIVENESS, MERCY, GOODNESS, TRUTH, JUSTICE.
Do not abuse My mercy. One must repent, repent, return to Me, improve oneself, leave sin. Resist the Devil and he will leave. It is Time to return to the SOURCE.
Treasure this Time of Grace, without abusing it. Wash yourselves in My Blood, quench your thirst at My Welcoming Heart.
“There is more joy in Heaven for one sinner who is converted than for ninety-nine righteous ones.”
“Prostitutes and publicans will precede you into the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“THE Good Shepherd forsakes the ninety-nine sheep for the one lost.”
“Love your enemy.”
“Forgive seventy times seven.”
All My Teachings you do not often put into action.
You fall into unnecessary wars, contentions, divisions. Transcend challenges. Pray. Do not murmur all the time, do not slander or libel, do not exasperate anyone.
Do the GOOD, not the EVIL. BLESS. Do not judge those who sin because you all sin. Leave the Judgment to Me at the time set by the Father.
Remember that on earth no one is holy. Holiness is a long and winding path. Conversion lasts a lifetime.
Beloved children, love widows, orphans, prisoners, outcasts, drug addicts. Pray for them.
Pray for My weak, frail, tempted, sinful children, lost in dark ways. Pray the Holy Spirit over them. “All have sinned and are deprived of God's glory.”
“From the priest to the prophet, all have sinned.”
So repent quickly, correct yourselves and rise up. Return to Me, certain that I will forgive you, bless you, save you from Satan.
You return to the SOURCE, which I AM. Do not despair. Even if your sins were as numerous as the stars, I will erase them all because I love you with an Immense, Pure Love.
“God does not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live.”
Come to Me, I will restore you. Do not doubt My FORGIVENESS. Repent, come to ME, trust in ME. I bless you all. Shalom, Latter-day Church, My Little Flock.
(Then Jesus gives this Prayer)
O Merciful, Merciful and Clement Jesus, forgive me all my sins and wash me in Your Side with Water and Blood. I trust in You.
I know I am frail, lonely, weak, tempted, staggering, but I know You can heal me by Your Spirit.
Let me feel Your Divine Love. Renew me, cleanse me from my sin, save me from the Adversary.
Merciful Jesus, I trust and hope in You now and always.
It is good to take refuge in You, certain that I will be forgiven and rehabilitated to New Life, and not condemned as hard-hearted man does. Save me with the Water and Blood flowing from Your Holy Side. Amen.