Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
I Am Magnanimous God. I Need You, for You, My Beloved Ones, Take Back Your Inheritance
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on December 9, 2024

Word of Jesus Christ :
"I bless you daughter of My Sacred Heart, My daughter of Love, Light and Holiness: of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
You have seen, as I announced to you on December 7, for December 8, the blessed day of the feast of My Mother's Immaculate Conception, the revelation to the world of France's choice, by its President Mr. Macron, to impose Satan, spiritual master of his country.
To the whole world he affirmed his total donation and submission to the one who destroys everything in Creation. In his work and in the opening ceremony to the people of the cathedral restored according to his values, this president and those who follow him have outraged and blasphemed Christ by also humiliating the Virgin Mary and Christians, by settling and imposing FM worship in My Sacred Temple offered to Notre Dame for the protection of the French people.
French people, children of God, move away from this place of opprobrium and know that, from now on, in the Divine Will, this insult lives its sentence. Collapsed upon the godless people who frequent it, this profaned temple will be nothing but dust and desolation, commensurate with its provocation of Almighty God.
Samson, My biblical judge, will shake the columns of this temple. All that will miraculously remain, in the rubble, is the object given to men that keeps alive the presence of God, memories of His Redeeming Passion: His Crown of Thorns.
My Church is also infested and divided by the false Church which, in luxury and abomination, will suffer the same fate of extermination. All those among Mine who have accepted the parade of hell, dressed in shame and making themselves puppets to celebrate this satanic joy, have consciously bought their ticket to participate in the eternal infernal parody.
Quickly, My gentle and humble of heart, My faithful in God's Love, in your simple and unshakeable faith, flee from these monsters who display their exploitative strength and triumph in a diabolical aesthetic work. They have also prepared their works of horror and slow destruction for you. It is My duty to hasten your release.
Hear My Call again, come to meet Me, seek the Light of Truth and Love in the Warning, reprieve from liberation for all.
Chosen France, where My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are buried, pledges of Love and Promise of Eternity, return to Your Creator who has already fulfilled you.
France, I see you very small and very wounded! Where are your children? Why haven't you passed on to them the beauty and goodness I entrusted to you for the sharing of joy and the surge of Infinite Love? Do your children know the mission they bear for the world?
France, I keep My promise, I love and bless all Mine including those who return repentant. I am God Magnanimous. I need you, for you, My so beloved, take back your inheritance. Mary, your Mother, awaits you. Accept her maternal care of healing and education, She leads you to your happiness. Everywhere in your land She has visited you and prepared the places that will protect you.
Yes, you have so much to learn, to receive. Stay away from torturers disguised as great and learned. Listen only to the Voice of Wisdom. Now you see what those who have hoisted themselves into positions of control for their own advantage and glory are proposing. They want to bring about a horrible end for you, in the triumph of evil and death. Everything is in motion, nothing will stop their plans.
I have told you, I, God, will hasten this End of Times.
Be in Faith, remain solid and good, the passage will then be made easier for you.
Jesus Christ came to save you."
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"
Source: ➥