Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, December 6, 2024
Remain Faithful to Our Words
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady to Gérard in France on October 27, 2024

The Virgin Mary:
My dear children, see how God is thwarted in His Mission as Redeemer. You have all received the Gift of glorifying His Name. And now the disorder that the Vatican, through its decline, calls the Synod as its main vocation, is materializing. No! The synod is a blasphemy against His name. You will see monstrosities uttered in My Church, by denying Our Words, the Words given to the Apostles: the Sacred Scriptures. Never has such blasphemy dragged My Church into Nothingness as it has today. Everything will shake and the wicked will pay the bill. Pray for them, but pray for My priests, for My bishops, for My cardinals, so that they may awaken to justice and come out of the evil path that is presented to them. Amen †
My dear children, My Friends, today I say to you: Have within you the certainty of Our Words. Remain faithful to Our Words. Listen to the Voice that calls you: may the Holy Spirit descend upon you and enlighten you on the true Path, in My Name above all names. Amen †
Remain in Trust and no longer listen to anyone who claims to be My Vicar. He will never be able to return to the light of My Spirit, because he is on the wrong path, the path he himself has chosen. Profess the Truth and be children obedient to Our Words. Be Love, Purity, Ready to serve; it is the servant who is above those who obey. Amen †
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, We bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen †
May your Love exceed all that is polluted in this World. Amen †
"I consecrate the world, Lord, to Your Sacred Heart",
"I consecrate the world, Virgin Mary, to Your Immaculate Heart",
"I consecrate the world, St. Joseph, to Your fatherhood",
"I consecrate the world to You, St. Michael, protect it with Your wings." Amen †