Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
My Children Sow Good Works to Reap the Fruits of Virtue, Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Patience and above All Humility That Leads You to Obey the Will of God the Father Almighty
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on December 1, 2024, First Sunday of the Month

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power, together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is in your midst. My children, My beloved children, walk toward joy, toward peace in this world, because the roads lead you to perdition, the roads that the world puts before you lead you to commit sins against the Holy Law, the only one is the road to walk is leading you to Heaven, where true life, eternal life, awaits you. My Son Jesus lives in your hearts, He is your guide, listen to His voice because the world already for so long has not listened to His voice, always have in your homes the statue of Baby Jesus and kiss Him every day, He was born for your salvation and should always be honored, what the world already neglects for so long despite the calls and appeals that come from Heaven, the Sacred image of the Holy Family has been desecrated by the sins approved by the authorities of this world, including the Church that has been walking in great confusion for so long, no longer receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The battle between good and evil in this world is going on, but you cannot see it, many are risking their lives to lead the people of God to salvation, but it is not easy for them, because evil has taken over by giving souls the pleasures of this world, sowing hatred, avarice, you My children sow good works to reap the fruits of virtue, love, peace, forgiveness, patience and above all humility that leads you to obey the will of God the Father Almighty.
My Son Jesus desires to speak to you, He always desires to do so, but He does not always find you ready, accept His love, His invitations, His mercy, so that you may live in peace and joy despite the tribulations you face every day. Pray My children, for your children, for your parents, for your brothers, for your sisters, pray for all those who need to be reconciled with My Son Jesus, be persistent in praying for them, do not allow evil to discourage you, it does not make you understand the importance of prayer and perseverance. Be ready, for in the world everything is about to change, I will guide you, those who listen to My voice will not be able to go wrong.
I love you My children immensely, pray in your hearts because My Son Jesus will touch you by filling your hearts with His immense love.
I bless you My children, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.
П: Brothers and sisters, I am your brother Jesus, the One who conquered death and sin, I am the King of Kings, your Savior, I have descended with great power together with God the Father Almighty, together with Blessed Virgin Mary Mother Mine and of the whole world, the Holy Trinity is here in your midst.
Brothers and sisters, I wish to speak to the whole world, do not fear for all that is happening in the world, the times of great changes are taking place, all for the good of souls.
Brothers and sisters, this is the time for true conversion, that which leads you to the salvation of your souls.
Brothers and sisters, the world is in serious danger, you need to do much penance, much renunciation and much, much prayer, so that you will be ready to face all that the world is about to experience, believe and do not doubt all that I say to you, and for the sake of your souls, one day you will understand because you will see the true light, the light of Paradise.
Brothers and sisters, pray for the Church so that the truth may triumph, evil has deceived all those who do not pray and have not opened their hearts to the truth, the Church is responsible if souls are lost, but very soon everything will change because the truth will triumph, because Divine Justice never fails.
Brothers and sisters, My love for all of you is immense, I have never abandoned you, I am always with you and will be until the end of the world.
Brothers and sisters, sow love, sow peace, sow joy, for I am all this. Brothers and sisters, I must go now, soon I will return to speak to the world again.
Brothers and sisters, I give you My Blessing, in the name of the Holy Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Peace My brothers, peace My sisters.